Monday, June 24, 2013

Will America Collapse Answers From Ron Paul, Marc Faber, Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff, Jim Roge

Top economists (Ron Paul, Marc Faber, Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff, Jeff Berwick, Jim Rogers) predict US Economic Collapse and Worldwide Economic Collapse!
The train wreck is cushioned by all the 'monopoly money' being printed by the Fed Rsrv Banks... But....when it does is going to be much worse then if it had just been allowed to happen and reset 5 years ago... 'Kicking the can down the road' was the gutless thing to do. But the politicians wanted to keep their they just went along with it. They did it.

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "The Business Of War" - (6/17/13)

"1.4 "million" people have top secret clearance, but don't tell the citizens, Czech premier to resign amid scandal & outrage over Chinese students being assaulted in France's wine producing region."

Gerald Celente - Metallwoche - June 19, 2013

Takeover by the military-industrial complex and the financial mafia. Prism, Syria, Turkey, Brazil, a free trade area between the EU and the U.S., laws establishing a European banking supervision and banking union, the next steps the Fed and possible bail-in strategies worldwide.