Thursday, July 18, 2013

NASA Moon & Space Program Secrets ~ Richard C. Hoagland

Richard C. Hoagland discussed how a current NASA return to the Moon has already led to a major new confirmation of the "lunar dome model," and shared evidence for the existence of a "secret space program." As explored in his book Dark Mission, he contended that NASA is actually the originator of Apollo Moon landing hoax theories. They co-opted a fake conspiracy to supplant the real conspiracy-- that there are ancient artifacts on the moon, and that humans are the 'ETs' who have traveled to other planets in the past, he detailed.

A clandestine group has secret technology such as antigravity and free energy, which has enabled setting up bases on the Moon, Hoagland continued. A recent infrared/thermal photograph of the Moon's south pole taken by NASA's LCROSS spacecraft was leaked, and he suggested that yellow perimeter lines in the image are evidence for huge domes on the lunar surface.

Now that a number of nations are sending craft to the Moon, an upcoming crater impact mission being staged by NASA in October could be an attempt to vaporize artificial domes to cover-up evidence of secret space missions over the last 40 years, Hoagland hypothesized.


Richard C. Hoagland is a former space science museum curator; a former NASA consultant, and during the historic Apollo Missions to the Moon, was science advisor to Walter Cronkite and CBS News. For over 20 years, Hoagland has been leading an outside scientific team in a critically acclaimed independent analysis of possible intelligently-designed artifacts on Mars. Richard and his team's investigations have been quietly extended to include over 30 years of previously hidden data from NASA, Soviet, and Pentagon missions to the Moon.

Richard Charles Hoagland, (born 25 April 1945 in Morristown, New Jersey) is an American author, and a proponent of various conspiracy theories about NASA, lost alien civilizations on the Moon and on Mars and other related topics.

His writings claim that advanced civilizations exist or once existed on the Moon, Mars and on some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and that NASA and the United States government have conspired to keep these facts secret. He has advocated his ideas in two published books, videos, lectures, interviews, and press conferences. His views have never been published in peer-reviewed journals. Hoagland has been described by James Oberg of The Space Review and Phil Plait of as a conspiracy theorist and fringe pseudoscientist

The Moon

Hoagland rejects the entire body of knowledge represented by professional selenology and asserts that there are large semitransparent structures constructed of glass on the lunar surface, visible in some Apollo photography when the images are digitally manipulated. He goes on to say that NASA is suppressing knowledge of an ancient civilization on the Moon, and that the advanced technology of this civilization is lying around on the Moon's surface. He alleged in Dark Mission that the twelve Apollo moonwalkers, who would be well qualified to confirm the existence of lunar artifacts and glass structures, have had their memories selectively edited with hypnosis so that they no longer remember seeing evidence of a lunar civilization. He has stated that a feature in an image of the lunar surface, mistakenly believed by professional planetary scientists to be a rock, is actually the severed head of a robot, and that "someone with an obvious 'in'" to JPL was the true originator of the Apollo Moon landing hoax conspiracy theory in July 1969.

In September 2009, Hoagland stated that the extremely thin film of water that had been detected on the Moon was obviously leakage from buried cities.

U.S. government conspiracy

Hoagland claims the United States government has covered up the presence of extraterrestrials, that the Space Agency[who?] murdered the Apollo 1 astronauts, that NASA missions to Mars are a "well documented interest of the Bush family," and that there is a clandestine space program which uses anti-gravity technology reverse-engineered from lunar artifacts and communicated by secret societies.

Hoagland further claims that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by an agency or agencies opposed to his stated policy of inviting First Secretary Nikita Khrushchev to create a joint U.S.--Soviet manned lunar effort. He asserts that federal agencies such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and NASA are linked to Freemasonry.

NASA and the Egyptian gods

Hoagland has written and spoken often about what he sees as NASA's "fanatical, relentless" drive to pay homage to the Egyptian gods Isis, Osiris, and Horus. Citing work by Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock on the symbolism of the Great Pyramid at Giza, he explains that these gods are honored via their proxies, the stars Sirius (Isis), the "belt" stars of Orion (Osiris), and Regulus (Horus).

Jim Wyckoff ~ Bernanke Doesn't Understand Gold

Jim Wyckoff talks gold, Bernanke's testimony and the Fed on this edition of "Technically Speaking." Although gold prices moved up from recent lows, Wyckoff expects "quieter and choppy trading until after the US labor day holiday."Tune in now to hear his support and resistance levels as well as the Wyckoff market ratings for gold and silver. Kitco News, July 18, 2013.

EVPs, Parallel Dimensions, UFOs, Crop Circles, and Orbs ~ Ross Hemsworth

Investigator of anomalous phenomena and U.K. radio host Ross Hemsworth discussed his latest work on EVPs, parallel dimensions, UFOs, crop circles, and orbs. Something could be tapping into electromagnetic energy in the earth, at various hotspots, to create paranormal activity, he theorized. Here are some of his other observations:

Clairvoyants can sometimes communicate with orbs, which seem to be a manifestation of energy, typically circular in shape.
An image of a 'Reptilian' or interdimensional alien was captured in a photo taken at Rendlesham Forest, though the being was not seen by the naked eye.
The veil between dimensions is coming down as we get closer to 2012. A number of cultures in addition to the Maya, such as the Hopi and Maori have pointed to 2012 as a time of pivotal change.
There is a powerful energy line running underneath Loch Ness. Such geophysical fault lines could allow for a portal or gateway where creatures such as Nessie come through.
Time slips could be views of a parrallel universe that's in a different time range.
Ouija Boards can open a gateway but often to lower realm spirits.
Cases of psychic attack are on the rise.
Cemeteries are not particularly haunted, as spirits leave their bodies at the point of death, not where they're buried.
For recording EVPs, use a cassette tape recorder, ask a few questions, and then leave the room with the recorder running.
Infrared camcorders seem to work well for capturing anomalous activity on video.


Ross Hemsworth is a business entrepreneur and co-owner of Glastonbury Radio, but is also a well known paranormal radio and TV presenter, scientific investigator of anomalous phenomena and an intriguing and entertaining speaker at events worldwide. His TV appearances include the hit series Ghost Detectives, the BBC's Ghostwatch Live - Tower of London and ITV's Haunted Halloween Live. He has been hailed as a "forward thinking visionary" and "ground-breaking paranormal researcher" and also promotes positive thinking and "cosmic ordering" - making things happen rather than waiting for six numbers to make you rich in the lottery stakes!He is also on the Advisory Board of the Exopolitics Institute.

Electronic voice phenomena (EVP) are electronically generated noises that resemble speech, but are supposedly not the result of intentional voice recordings or renderings. Common sources of EVP include static, stray radio transmissions, and background noise. Recordings of EVP are often created from background sound by increasing the gain (i.e. sensitivity) of the recording equipment.

Interest in EVP surrounds claims that it is of paranormal origin, although many occurrences have had natural explanations including apophenia (finding significance in insignificant phenomena), auditory pareidolia (interpreting random sounds as voices in one's own language), equipment artifacts, and hoaxes.

Parapsychologist Konstantin Raudive, who popularized the idea, described EVP as typically brief, usually the length of a word or short phrase.

Paranormal explanations

Paranormal explanations for the origin of EVP include living humans imprinting thoughts directly on an electronic medium through psychokinesis and communication by discarnate entities such as spirits, nature energies, beings from other dimensions, or extraterrestrials

Cultural impact

The concept of EVP has had an impact on popular culture. It is popular as an entertaining pursuit, as in ghost hunting, and as a means of dealing with grief. It has influenced literature, radio, film, and television.

Investigation of EVP is the subject of hundreds of regional and national groups and Internet message boards. Paranormal investigator John Zaffis claims, "There's been a boom in ghost hunting ever since the Internet took off." Investigators, equipped with electronic gear—like EMF meters, video cameras, and audio recorders—scour reportedly haunted venues, trying to uncover visual and audio evidence of ghosts. Many use portable recording devices in an attempt to capture EVP.

Films involving EVP include The Sixth Sense, White Noise, The Changeling. It has also been featured on television series like Ghost Whisperer, The Omega Factor, A Haunting, Ghost Hunters, MonsterQuest, Ghost Adventures, The Secret Saturdays, Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files, Supernatural, Derren Brown Investigates and Ghost Lab.