Sunday, September 22, 2013

JFK Assassination - 50 Reasons For 50 Years - Episode 41

Senator Russell Dissents
Author Gerald McKnight describes a little known executive session of the Warren Commission, called by Commission member Senator Richard Russell with the intention of placing his opposition to the Single Bullet Theory on the record. Keeping to form, the Commission covered it up.

It wasn't the mob. The mob was strong, but not strong enough to assassinate a President AND get away with it. It was an inside job. It was a faction inside the US government with serious CIA involvement. Do the research and analyze every detail of the assassination and connect the dots. It's quite easy to do with all of the information available today. In the quaint era of 1988, the "mob theory" was widely accepted. But in 2013, 50 years later, this theory is quite obviously wrong.

Obama's Al Qaeda Attacks Mall in Kenya

On the Sunday, Sept. 22 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex is joined by guest host David Knight to break down bombshell info in the ongoing Kenyan mall attack, whose death toll has risen to 68 with at least 175 wounded. The attack was conducted by the same radical muslim groups Obama supports in Syria and other parts of the world.

Federal Reserve Tapering Will Not Stop Stagflation

Federal Reserve Tapering Will Not Stop Stagflation

In this podcast, Wall St for Main St discussed the latest decision from the Federal Reserve to not taper and why they can not pull the plug on QE for a long time. Also, they discussed why the so called "Energy and Manufacturing Renaissance" will not be enough to bring down unemployment.

Another topic that was discussed are the new trends forming in the technology industry such as 3D printing, big data, robotics and automation. They talked about why automation and robotics will bring less jobs back to the U.S. Plus much more!