Friday, September 27, 2013

Michael Tellinger - Talk Now Radio - 06-13-13 - African Temples of the Anunnaki

Michael Tellinger on Talk Now Radio with Royce Holleman. Recorded on June 13th, 2013.

SPECIAL REPORT: Greece On The Brink Of Coup!!!

Special Forces Reserve Union of the Army has put the Greek Government on notice
I've got a bad feeling that the elites may use military dictatorships controlled by the One Ring of World Peace to forge a New World Order. The good soldier politician - bad corporatist politician ploy. The good generals* replace failing politicians, with the help of the elites fix the economies and the public becomes putty in their hands. A few years later, they meet at a World Peace Conference to consolidate all the militaries under one organization to end war and terrorism forever. Shortly after that, they introduce uniform regulations and trade laws under a single currency, followed by a Constitution of Man with universal laws, rights, and world citizenship. Of course, all of it would be under the auspices of the elite psychopaths and no one will complain because there will be world peace and economic prosperity for all. Especially for the elites. *Pinochet as the prototype

No one talks about the unbelievable theft of the FEDERAL RESERVE that is NOT FEDERAL but private. And no one knows exactly WHO the owners of this Bank are. They have stolen all our land and businesses and done that to the rest of the world. ...Vatican, Rothchilds, Rockefellars, Saudis, etc..highly suspected!

Michael Savage: Health Department Raids Community Picnic and Destroys All the Food with Bleach

We are only as strong as our weakest link. The able-bodied patriot of today has far more on his/her hands than that of our founders, but the fundamentals are the same - and no longer taught. Fright or freedom. I believe that is what we are dealing with

Aired on September 26, 2013 - The Savage Nation - (Michael Savage Interviews Woman Involved In Incident - Health Department Raids Community Picnic and Destroys All Their Food with Bleach