Monday, September 30, 2013

Don't Shut Down the Government; Fight over Debt-Limit! Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT!

Don't Shut Down the Government; Fight over Debt-Limit! Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT! Dick explains

False Flag in 4D - The Movie

Watch out for this blood-curdling, excruciating painful, genocidal, mass-extinction movie - a Pentagon/Hollywood co-production in hyper-reality 4D (patent pending) - be prepared to be shocked in sight, sound, smell and all tactile senses - feel the pain and smell of the burning corpses and dying men. Free admission for purchase of one pack of Kool-aid (Government issued only) at WalMart and Target; Food stamps are accepted.

Coming to a theatre near you. Adults only.

BREAKING: Typhoon Wutip Sinks 3 Ships Near China / ISON Comet

Comet ISON is coming and meteorites, earthquakes, typhoons, and distress is happening