Tuesday, January 14, 2014

3 Absurd Reasons for Banning Drugs

Did you know the war on drugs is founded on racist principles? Prof. Stephen Davies shows the historical thought process behind banning drugs. One of the main reasons drugs were banned initially is because people were concerned drug use would lead to interracial relationships. Can you imagine someone making that argument today? Yet it was a principle reason for some of the laws banning drugs that we still have. Other reasons for banning drugs included fear of conspiracies and the misguided notion that the government somehow has a right to the productivity of its citizens. All three of these reasons are truly absurd, but all three were historically used as arguments that contributed to the war on drugs. If these are the arguments on which the drug war is founded, can we be sure it's a war worth fighting for?

Dr. Steven Greer | Aliens, Disclosure, & False Flag Invasions

This week I interview, Dr. Steven Greer, about the current state of disclosure, ET contact, different types of beings they've cataloged, the Earth's quarantine, the possibility of false flag ET invasion simulations, and a ton more!

Monday, January 13, 2014

USA Prepares Radio Show (Commercial Free AUDIO) Monday January 13 2014

Frank Underhill - Gold, Silver, Bitcoin at Overstock.com, Trading hard assets for paper promises - and the economy - then John Ragan - Preparedness, Target, Neiman Marcus, Jobs, Unemoloyment, Macy's, Sears - The Financial Mess and Government spying - the news that managed media won't tell you ...

--Date: 01/13/2014
Host: Vincent Finelli http://www.usaprepares.com/
"Everyone all set? Cocked and locked? Here we go..." That is how Vincent starts every broadcast and the same energy is applied to the entire hour of his show. "USA Prepares" aims to: dispel incorrect information about eating habits, dangers of food additives, fluoride, chlorine, and fast food joints, medical prevention and cures, survival economics, preparedness and exposing the lies that keep us form being able to prepare, and much, much more. Common guests include: Frank Underhill Dr. Norman Shealy, Jim Marrs, James Wesley Rawles, Larry Pratt, Dr, Shayne, Dr. Richard Alan Miller, Mike Parsons, Roy Birdsong and Maggie Craddock. If you want to know how to buy a farm, raise farm animals, store food, learn the importance of precious metals, or even survive a gunfight, tune into "USA Prepares."