Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Jim Rickards : 1984 Has Come to China -- Economic Collapse 2020 4K

👉 Jim Rickards : 1984 Has Come to China -- Economic Collapse 2020 4K

Jim Rickards : 1984 Has Come to China -- Economic Collapse 2020 4K You’re probably familiar with George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. It was written in 1948; the title comes from reversing the last two digits in 1948. The novel describes a world of three global empires, Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, in a constant state of war. Orwell created an original vocabulary for his book, much of which is in common, if sardonic, usage today. Terms such as Thought Police, Big Brother, doublethink, Newspeak and memory hole all come from Nineteen Eight-Four. Orwell intended it as a warning about how certain countries might evolve in the aftermath of World War II and the beginning of the Cold War. He was certainly concerned about Stalinism, but his warnings applied to Western democracies also. When the calendar year 1984 came and went, many breathed a sigh of relief that Orwell’s prophesy had not come true. But that sigh of relief was premature. Orwell’s nightmare society is here today in the form of Communist China…

Monday, February 24, 2020

Coronavirus Spreading in Europe -- Italy on Lockdow

Coronavirus Spreading in Europe -- Italy on Lockdown
#coronavirusoutbreak #Covid_19 Coronavirus Spreading in Europe -- Italy on Lockdown As Coronavirus Cases Soar In Italy, Experts Warn Of A Global Pandemic TODAY

Sunday, February 23, 2020

China Entered Financial Meltdown Because of The Virus #coronavirusoutbreak #Covid_19

China Entered Financial Meltdown Because of The Virus #coronavirusoutbreak #Covid_19

For the past two weeks, even as the market took delight in China's doctored and fabricated numbers showing the coronavirus spread was "slowing", we warned again and again that not only was this not the case (which recent data out of South Korea, Japan and now Italy has confirmed), but that for all its assertions to the contrary, China's workers simply refused to go back to work (even with FoxConn offering its workers extra bonuses just to return to the factory) and as a result the domestic economy had ground to a halt as we described in: China Has Ground To A Halt: "On The Ground" Indicators Confirm Worst-Case Scenario China Is Disintegrating: Steel Demand, Property Sales, Traffic All Approaching Zero Terrifying Charts Show China's Economy Remains Completely Paralyzed

Global Debt Bubble Getting Worse -- Economic Collapse - Stock Market Crash

Global Debt Bubble Getting Worse -- Economic Collapse - Stock Market Crash

Bank of America short while ago calculated that since the collapse of Lehman, government debt has intensified by $30Trillion, corporates debt by $25 Trillion, household by $9 Trillion, and financial debt by $2 Trillion. And with central banks awaited to support government debt, Bank of America warns that the biggest recession risk is disorderly rise in credit spreads and corporate deleveraging. From its side the IMF is warning that the world debt rises to 226% of GDP. Low rates fuel the risks. Expansive monetary policies have saved growth but push investors towards riskier and less liquid assets. Debt growth continues inexorably, especially in emerging countries. World debt reached 226.5% of GDP in 2018 and continues its inexorable growth, at a breath of 188 trillion dollars, according to preliminary estimates released on Wednesday 16 October by the IMF, during the press conference for the presentation of the Fiscal Monitor. The IMF then warns against the side effects of ultra-low rates: the difficult hunt for yields pushes investors, including insurance and pension funds, towards riskier and less liquid assets. Even for the non-financial sector, then, supervisory tools such as those introduced for banks are needed, the Fund warns in the Global Financial Stability Report, also released . Eight thousand billion dollars. Put like this they seem unreal numbers. From comics. But they are real numbers. According to the latest research by the Institute of International Finance (IIF), public and private debt globally in the first quarter of 2019 alone increased by this figure: by 8 thousand billion dollars. This is the largest quarterly increase since the first quarter of 2016, which brings global debt to the figure of 247 thousand billion dollars. A mountain equal to 318% of the GDP of the whole world. These numbers are the effect of a decade of ultra-expansionary monetary policies, which have increased global liquidity and brought interest rates to zero (or even below zero) in many parts of the world. This has favored everyone's use of debt: businesses, states and families.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Paul Craig Roberts : Is Russia Doomed? -- Economic Collapse 2020

Paul Craig Roberts : Is Russia Doomed? -- Economic Collapse 2020

The Kremlim’s spokesperson said that the Russian government trusts the opinion of General Gerasimov. To be clear, based on analyzed evidence the Russian military sees Washington and its vassals preparing for war with Russia. The Russian government states that it trusts the opinion of the Russian military leadership. Yet, a contemporaneous poll published by the Levada Center, an independent Russian pollster, reports that 80% of Russians see Washington and its NATO vassals as “friends.” “Only 3% of Russian respondents said they see the West as Russia’s enemy, Levada said. Another 16% said they view the West as a rival. “Two-thirds of Levada’s respondents (67%) said Russia should treat the West as a “partner,” while 11% said Russia should treat the West as a “friend,” according to the Kommersant business daily’s breakdown of the data.”

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Black Eyed Children & UFO Repeaters -- Coast To Coast AM - March 30, 2015

Coast To Coast AM - March 30, 2015 Black Eyed Children & UFO Repeaters

In the first half, author, paranormal investigator, cryptozoologist, and ufologist, David Weatherly, discussed his fascinating work on the Black Eyed Kids (BEK) phenomenon, as well as his investigations into the mysterious Djinn, and the Slenderman meme. Appearing at people's doorsteps and asking to be let in, the Black-Eyed Children typically have very pale skin, monotone voices, and solid black eyes-- with no white showing. The kids usually keep their heads down and don't make direct eye contact, and the residents report that they've never seen them in the neighborhood before. Interestingly, "there are a growing number of accounts now of black-eyed adults showing up and approaching people, without the children," Weatherly shared.

His personal theory is that the Black-Eyed Kids are actually some type of interdimensional being. "I don't think they're children at all-- I think they're something that is able to assume the form of a child," he said. The girls involved in the 'Slenderman' attacks will be tried in court as adults, though their stabbing victim has recovered, Weatherly reported. Slenderman, he noted, started off as a frightening but fictional Internet meme, but may have become a kind of tulpa-- a thought-form created apparition that can take on physical qualities. The Djinn, who'll be the subject of his next book, are other-dimensional entities associated with the Middle East and Islam. They don't like to be looked at, and have very sinister agendas, he revealed.


In the latter half, ufologist and paranormal pioneer Timothy Green Beckley talked about 'UFO Repeaters,' people who have the unique ability to "make friends" with UFO occupants and bring them in for close repeated UFO photos. Most of these encounters, Beckley believes, represent contact with paranormal or supernatural aspects rather than actual extraterrestrials. Early contactee Howard Menger was a 'repeater' who described and photographed ships landing on his parents land in rural New Jersey, ensuing telepathic communications with "regal-looking" beings, and trips to the far side of the moon. More.

Contactee, artist, and channeler Marc Brinkerhoff (view related images) joined the conversation for a segment. His benevolent encounters began as a young child in 1958, and have continued throughout his life. In a field in upstate New York, a human-like 8 ft. tall being interacted with him, transforming his energy into a more etheric-form, whereupon they entered a spacecraft and he was given a cleansing energy that appeared as a lavender mist. Brinkerhoff said he is able to make contact with the beings at will, and once at a party they materailized as glowing white spheres.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Mars Colonies, Alien Bloodlines & Illuminati in Space with Alfred Webre

Mars colonies, extraterrestrial bloodlines and conflicts, and the influence of the Bilderberg Group, Illuminati, and Skull & Bones are all explored with Alfred Webre. How Mars became a ‘dead planet,’ the possible depopulation of Earth, and our planet’s true alien elite--from Annunaki to Reptilian Grays--are demystified as we explore the conspiracy to move the elite to a home on Mars. Is the multi-dimensional universe on a changing paradigm away from the zero-sum game of warfare? What did Nikola Tesla know about life on Mars? And what role does Dick Cheney play in the manipulation of mankind? Explore the secrets of the illuminati in space in this uncensored Buzzsaw interview, hosted by Sean Stone.

Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd - Alfred's book, Exopolitics: A Decade of Contact (2000), founded Exopolitics, the science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the multiverse. Using advanced quantum access technology, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) time traveled Alfred's book, Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe (2005), from 2005 back to 1971, when an unwitting Alfred was examined by a group of approximately 50 CIA and DARPA officials who knew Alfred would be a leading future extraterrestrial and time-travel whistleblower, and would become the developer of the Exopolitics and Dimensional Ecology models of the Omniverse.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

UFO'S And The Current Prophetic Landscape by LA Marzulli

UFO'S And The Current Prophetic Landscape by LA Marzulli

L. A. Marzulli
Websites lamarzulli.net lamarzulli.wordpress.com http://lamarzulli.net/store.php

Books The Alien Interviews Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural The Revealing The Unholy Deception The Nephilim Trilogy The Cosmic Chess Match On the Trail of the Nephilim

Videos The Watchers Watchers 2: Signs in the Heavens and the Earth Watchers 3: Fingerprints of the Supernatural Watchers 4: On the Edge Watchers 5: Let Me In Watchers 6: The Secret Cosmic War Watchers 7: Physical Evidence Watchers 8: Cloak of Secrecy

L. A. Marzulli is the author of the Nephilim Trilogy. The Nephilim Trilogy made the CBA best sellers list and continues to thrill readers a decade after the first book in the series was published. Marzulli received an honorary doctorate from Pacific International University for his work on the Nephilim Trilogy. Marzulli is also the author of the non-fiction work, Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural. The book packs a hard hitting expose of how the current political landscape may bring about ancient Biblical prophecies, which then may trigger supernatural events that are foretold in the book of Daniel and Revelation.

His latest offering, The Alien Interviews, features 17 personal, intense interviews with people who have been directly involved with the UFO phenomena. The book was written for the skeptic with various world-views presented as to what this phenomena may be. He has also teamed up with film producer Richard Shaw to create the Watchers DVD series. Marzulli has lectured on his exhaustive research at conferences and churches, as well as made appearances and interviews on numerous national radio and television programs.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

LIFE on MARS! No Doubting It Now!

Do you need them to come knocking at your door 'as proof?' When it comes to this video, many will just view the first few minutes and jump off the boat... but all my video's hold information that relates to one another. Think of this: If they can slam people into jail based on circumstantial evidence for the rest of their living lives, until they are deceased? I think I may have just proven there's life on Mars with the same levels of circumstantial evidence. Watch the entire thing to see if you really believe there is no life out there, on 'any planet.' What more proof do you need that there's intelligent life out there? What more proof do you need when it comes to life on Mars? Where will we be in 2023 when it comes to Mars? The answer is in this video. Where will we be in 2016, when it comes to Mars. The answer is in this video. Alien life on Mars? It sure looks like it. How did we see Mars decades ago, and how do we see Mars decades from now? All answered in this video. I hope you enjoy. After watching this video? What with water now being discovered on Mars, I believe there is life on Mars, or nearby, or underground, and was, particularly if you consider all of the odd structures that 'are' in photo's / images.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Nephilim Mummy Discovered in Egypt ?

Archaeologists have uncovered a bizarre range of mummies, including one who is more than seven feet (213 cm). The discovery, could be proof of ancient Nephilim giants. The Nephilim /ˈnɛfɨˌlɪm/ (Hebrew: נפילים‎) were offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" before the Deluge according to Genesis 6:4; the name is also used in reference to giants who inhabited Canaan at the time of the Israelite conquest of Canaan according to Numbers 13:33. A similar biblical Hebrew word with different vowel-sounds is used in Ezekiel 32:27 to refer to dead Philistine warriors.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Thomas Sheridan on Recent Conspiracy Theories

Thomas Sheridan gives his opinions on Recent Conspiracy Theories. Thomas is an Internationally renowned artist, author, musician, public speaker and independent researcher currently based in the West of Ireland. His illustrations have appeared on the cover of newstand magazines, books and websites worldwide. He is best known for being the author of the book Puzzling People: the Labyrinth of the Psychopath. The book was well received, becoming an underground success and has made Thomas' entire body of work reach a much larger audience.

In tandem with this, Thomas has continued on his own creative exploration, eventually coming to see that what is happening with the modern social neurosis is, in effect, the genesis of an emerging mythos; that the modern 'hero's journey' was evolving through a fusion of art, music, philosophy, science, spirituality, sociology and healing. This modern re-birth of the druidic approach appeared to fuse these aspects of human development into a new holistic culture. Today, Thomas continues this work of moving towards a synchronistic cohesion of the modern human; in terms of positive transcendence from trauma and psychological damage and on towards personal and social renewal.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

LA Marzulli Secrets of the Watchers and Nephilim [FULL VIDEO]

LA Marzulli detailed his return trip to Peru where he continued his research into anomalous elongated skulls, as well as megalithic structures. One skull that came out of Chongos Necropolis had hair that was strawberry blonde, he noted, which didn't match the hair colors of the locals. He also talked about the alien abduction experiences of Captain Robert Salas, and UFOs found in the infrared spectrum. Marzulli believes that rather than aliens being ETs, they are fallen angelic beings-- the Nephilim, spoken about in the Bible.

L. A. Marzulli is the author of the Nephilim Trilogy. The Nephilim Trilogy made the CBA best sellers list and continues to thrill readers a decade after the first book in the series was published. Marzulli received an honorary doctorate from Pacific International University for his work on the Nephilim Trilogy. Marzulli is also the author of the non-fiction work, Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural. The book packs a hard hitting expose of how the current political landscape may bring about ancient Biblical prophecies, which then may trigger supernatural events that are foretold in the book of Daniel and Revelation.

His latest offering, The Alien Interviews, features 17 personal, intense interviews with people who have been directly involved with the UFO phenomena. The book was written for the skeptic with various world-views presented as to what this phenomena may be. He has also teamed up with film producer Richard Shaw to create the Watchers DVD series. Marzulli has lectured on his exhaustive research at conferences and churches, as well as made appearances and interviews on numerous national radio and television programs.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

LIFE on MARS! No Doubting It Now!

Where will we be in 2023 when it comes to Mars? The answer is in this video. Where will we be in 2016, when it comes to Mars. The answer is in this video. Alien life on Mars? It sure looks like it. How did we see Mars decades ago, and how do we see Mars decades from now? All answered in this video. I hope you enjoy.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Cosmic Awakening -Relationship Vampires- The Dark Side Of Cupid- Eve Lorgen

Host Michelle Walling and special guest cohost India Irie Sanatana Dharma chat with Eve Lorgen. Eve is an author, researcher and consultant in anomalous trauma. We discuss the toxic "love bite" relationships, dark side of Cupid love connections, vampirism, and some recent cases like the Reptilian hosting and strip club update. We also discuss the various relationship issues people are dealing with from getting involved with these psychic vampires, as well as how healing and clearing are necessary to free oneself of these entities.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Reptilians Among Us - The Alien Race 'Here' On Earth - Viewer Discretion

Presenting the evidence (yet more of it). You be the judge. Reptiles have been on the earth for millions of years before man ever walked upright. Is it possible that they became the dominant species of earth, using advanced technologies that still, to this day, make human technology look retarded in comparison, millions of years before man ever became intelligent enough to, so much as, know about fire? The interview is with David Ike, and Arizona Wilder. For the full interview? Click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0Ezm... and for more of Arizona, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVScP... and or here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qF3C... It is may be so. History reveals Reptiles all over the place, in religions, carvings, paintings, etchings and more. Imagine if they lived in underground cities far away from the peering eyes of humans, manipulating human kind as slaves to the needs of the rulers, the reptilians. How would they do it? Chameleon's change color, some reptiles can identify what color an object is 'in the dark' and can change to that color 'in the dark.' Is it so impossible, or too far fetched to suspect that their may be shape shifter's out there, capable of altering their appearance (something animals, mammals, insects, and the likes, have been known to do). How did the Sumerian race know there was 'water on the moons of Jupiter long before human kind ever knew there were moons around the planet?' Was another race exchanging intelligence, and technologies with them? You decide. Some animals don't die, they just get bigger, and die if they don't have enough to sustain their size. Don't believe me? Go to 53:05 in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=219Yy... The subject matter and contentm within this video, does not, in any way, reflect or represent the beliefs of the creator of this video, and is to be taken as mere research into the content of such, herein, subject matter.

Sitchin, Annunaki and Nibiru - Enki Speaks

Sasha and Janet Lessin explains the Anunnaki's involvement in human history. The "gods" rocketed here from the planet Nibiru & bred with Homo Erectus to create us as short term slaves & soldiers. Sasha Lessin Ph.D (U.C.L.A. anthropology Ph.D.), author of Anunnaki: Gods No More and producer of the hugely popular web site, www.enkispeaks.com, studied with the late Zecharia Sitchin, for many years. Mr. Sitichin asked Lessin to create popular internet, book and college-level courses to revise ancient anthropology. Sitchin asked Lessin to help disseminate written, graphic and traditional stories of ETs, hithertofore considered mythic "gods" on Earth from 450,000 years ago to 300 B.C. as well as the latest findings in astronomy that relate to the planet Nibiru from which the ETs came to Earth for gold to shield their planet, Nibiru. To this end, Dr. Lessin and his wife, Janet (a lifelong contactee) present public slide shows, radio and youtube programs and lectures. To appreciate ethnology, Lessin’s specialty in Anthropology, he invites you to empathetically review stories our ancestors recorded and recited of Extraterrestrial (ET) gods. The people of the ancient world described the gods as giant humans with what we would call Tesla technology, spacecraft, weapons of mass destruction and interplanetary travel charts. The tale that these gods created us is true, they weren’t gods, they were just big people.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Area 51 Lockheed SkunkWorks Scientist Deathbed Confession: Real or Fake?

Expert analysis of the latest Boyd Bushman deathbed confession and "disclosures" on extraterrestrial intelligence and "anti-gravity" technology. One thing I didn't mention in the video is the copper tube drop experiment... This really does work! But it's got nothing to do with the force of gravity... it's actually caused by magnetic induction of "eddy Currents" within the copper pipe as the magnet drops through.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Coast To Coast AM - October 19, 2014 Air Force, UFOs & Sea Monsters

Date:    10-19-14
Host:    George Knapp
Guests:    Robert Salas, Robert Bartholomew
In the first half, George Knapp welcomed Air Force insider and former FAA employee, Robert Salas, who offered ample refutation to the Air Force statement: "No UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of threat to our national security." He cited details of his March, 1967 experience with a UFO at Malmstrom AFB in Montana. During the episode, the base's nuclear missiles were disabled, and the missile's frightened guards reported seeing strange lights in the sky, which were silently flying at high speeds, and making unusual turns. He learned that a similar occurrence had taken place a week earlier at another base, where 10 missiles were shutdown as UFOs were seen.

The unidentified craft were sending some type of specific signal that could penetrate concrete, and triple shielded cables going to each of the missiles separately, he noted, adding that sightings of strange Bigfoot-like creatures and cattle mutilations also took place in areas near the bases where the UFOs were seen. Salas believes the UFO occupants were sending a simple message-- 'get rid of your nuclear weapons.'

In the latter half, sociologist Robert Bartholomew discussed the weird history of America's counterpart to the Loch Ness Monster, a sea creature called Champ, who's been seen over the years in Lake Champlain. There is ancient Native American lore about a giant horned serpent living under the Split Rock in the middle of the lake, and the tribes were said to make offerings to it when they passed by in canoes. One of the most credible sightings of Champ took place in 1883, when the Clinton County Sheriff aboard a boat, described seeing a snake-like creature from 20 yards away. "Its body was 25-30 ft. long, it was five feet above the water...and it was so close to him he could see the muscles in its neck contracting," Bartholomew recounted.

There are a number of sightings throughout history of something large slamming into the side of people's boats while in the Lake, he continued. Yet there are also misidentifications and hoaxes-- the Sandra Mansi photo is often touted as the 'best lake monster photo' ever taken, yet she never produced a negative of the film, and couldn't recall where the photo was taken, he detailed. Bartholomew also touched on his research into cases of mass hysteria, which can function like a "reverse Placebo effect" in which people make themselves sick.

Unidentified: The UFO Phenomenon
Mass Hysteria in Schools
The Untold Story of Champ: A Social History of America's Loch Ness Monster

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Coast To Coast AM - October 17, 2014 Rock and Roll & The Occult

Host:    George Noory
Guests:    Peter Bebergal, Open Lines
Writer Peter Bebergal discussed the connection between rock and roll and the mysterious world of the occult as seen in lyrics, performances and album covers. He opined that the essential driving force behind the early popularity of rock and roll was the act of rebellion against societal and social norms. To that end, Bebergal said, "young people were looking away from mainstream religion to find a spiritual solution to what they saw as a chaotic world." He observed that this concept can be seen in the music of the 1960's that embraced Eastern philosophies and "pre-Christian values around nature." As the promise of that decade gave way to disappointment, he said, a darker perspective, which embraced the paranormal and the occult, emerged during the 1970's.

Bebergal credited Led Zeppelin and David Bowie for being artists who realized how rock music could be enhanced by embracing the mystery of the occult. Specifically, he pointed to Jimmy Page promoting the writings and work of Aleister Crowley as a way of raising the mystique of Led Zeppelin as an "occult band." In modern times, Bebergal suggested that successful musicians have continued to use the occult as a way of piquing the interest of the public and cited Madonna's Super Bowl halftime show that "looked like an Egyptian mystery cult initiation." Additionally, he noted that many popular hip hop artists have utilized Masonic symbology to generate discussion amongst their fans much like their predecessors from the 1960's and 70's featured similarly cryptic messages in album covers and song lyrics.

Open Lines
During Open Lines, Jalvez in Colorado shared a tale from his childhood involving dark forces and popular music. Back in 1981, he said, the youth pastor at his church brought in a recording of the song 'Stairway to Heaven' and claimed that playing it backwards would produce spirits. After having the children pray to protect themselves, the pastor first played the song as it is normally heard and then switched to the reversed version. Initially skeptical of backmasking in popular music, Jalvez was stunned when he heard sinister voices in the recording. "It was like people in hell screaming," he recalled, noting that his pastor would later warn the children that many rock artists use such techniques to gain favor with sinister forces to help their careers.

Later in the program, Kyle in California recounted a bizarre story which befell his grandmother a few years ago while traveling to Canada via train. During the trip, the conductor stopped the train, announced that there was a problem, and two federal agents came aboard to remove a pair of passengers. The conductor then warned everyone that the power would soon go out and all electronics on the train subsequently ceased to function, including the woman's hearing aide. From her seat, she spied the agents vigorously questioning and searching the men until they ultimately led them away to an unknown destination. Shortly thereafter, the power resumed and "the train just rolled away."

News segment guests: Steve "Dr. Sky" Kates & Peter Davenport

Season of the Witch: How the Occult Saved Rock and Roll

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Gerald Clark | The Anunnaki, New World Order, & The Hidden Battle For Humanity

Anunnaki expert, Gerald Clark joins THC to discuss not only this ancient origins tale, but also how it relates to so many unexplained or confusing areas of our past, present, and even our future. Whether it be the ancient emphasis on the zodiac wheel, the hidden motivators of the secret cabals, or the Ebola virus….it all seems to be connected to these mysterious overlords. In the Plus show, we talk more about how the chakra system, reincarnation, the electromagnetic spectrum, the DNA of Egyptian mummies, the Malaysian plane conspiracy, ISIS, the monetary system, and the stand off with Russia all relate to this ancient tale.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Coast To Coast AM - October 4, 2014 Ouija Board & Zozo Phenomena

Date:    10-04-14
Host:    Dave Schrader
Guests:    Robert Murch, Darren Evans
Ouija Board historian Robert Murch and Zozologist Darren Evans joined Dave Schrader (email) for the entire program to discuss the history of the Ouija Board, Zozo phenomena, and strange cases where crimes have been committed as a result of using the Ouija.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Coast To Coast AM - October 3, 2014 Psychic Communications & Open Lines

Guests:    Angela Moore, Open Lines
In the first half of the show, spiritual psychic Angela Moore, also known as the Hillbilly Psychic, talked about the process she uses to tap into the energies around her, including other dimensions. She revealed what she is seeing and feeling via communications from spirits and other worldly beings, and her visions of future events. Moore described an ever-prevalent spirit of meanness she senses in the world and warned about the dark path upon which humanity walks. The good news? It's not too late to alter the course, she noted.

Moore spoke about how her visions appear in symbolic forms and often come from spirit guides and aliens. The longer it takes for these visions to manifest, the bigger the event, she noted. Moore shared a vision she received inside a split rock at Brown Mountain, where an old Native American man appeared to her and she began to speak in the Cherokee language. Moore was told, "when the mountains begin to walk then you'll know the end of days is beginning." Humanity still has a chance to delay this by changing its direction, she reiterated.

Moore told an amazing story about receiving phone calls from a recently deceased friend. According to Moore, a couple of nights after her friend Amy passed away she received a cell phone call from an 'unknown' caller. The voicemail was noisy but the voice was definitely Amy's, she reported. Another message purportedly from Amy was received the next night. "She's just calling to tell me she died," Moore suggested. She also shared a frightening experience with a doll that she and her family saw staring out of the living room window one night. Upon entering the house the doll was found lying on a couch on the other side of the room across from the window, she recalled.


The latter half of the program was devoted to Open Lines. Albert from Costa Mesa, California, reported a UFO sighting this evening in his area. Albert looked in the direction of what he thought was a shooting star and instead saw an object with three lights in a triangular formation with an additional light in the center. He estimated the object was three times larger than a typical commercial airplane and moved through the sky at a much faster rate. Albert also noted that he heard no sound.

Callers also phoned in to the 'on hold' line to share their nightmare experiences about being put on hold. Roger in Grandy, North Carolina, recounted the time he spent over two hours on the phone with his bank to see if he could convert his IRA into an equity loan. Roger said he was passed around to eight different branches of the bank, returned to the person he had initially contacted, and still received no answer to his question. Rick from North Platte, Nebraska, told George about the time he phoned the manufacturer of his faulty diabetes blood monitor and was placed on hold for an hour and 48 minutes. "It was a miserable deal," he said.

News segment guests: Peter Breggin / Peter Davenport

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Coast To Coast AM - October 1, 2014 Hauntings & Ghosthunting

Coast To Coast AM - October 1, 2014 Hauntings & Ghosthunting

Host: George Noory
Guests: Theresa Argie, Eric Olsen

Journalist Eric Olsen (2nd & 4th hour) and paranormal investigator Theresa Argie (3rd & 4th hour) shared stories from their delving into hauntings and the paranormal, and the terror surrounding some of the nation's most haunted sites. Olsen described how he had intense paranormal experiences early in life, and then sought to "turn them off" for decades, while Argie, nicknamed the "Haunted Housewife," has devoted herself to studying the paranormal, investigations, and ghosthunting for many years. Among the tools she and her investigative partner Cathi Weber use are digital recorders, cameras that record the infrared spectrum, dowsing rods, crystals, and even a Ouija board on occasion.

One of the most haunted places Argie visited was the Mansfield Prison (Ohio State Reformatory), where she ran into some nasty spirits. "I actually had my hair pulled...I've been pushed at Mansfield Prison, I've been scratched, and we know people that have been physically touched there as well," she said, adding that someone was punched in the stomach, so hard that they doubled over. "You have to be very careful because I think sometimes the spirits can be very, very frustrated and angry," she continued.

Her partner Cathi had scratch marks appear on her back with blood dripping from them during their investigation at the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, she recounted. One of Argie's scariest experiences was when a spirit attached itself to her after a paranormal investigation at a private home. "I had this thing with me for weeks, if not months. And it affected every aspect of my life," she revealed. Olsen and Argie also talked about such haunted hotspots as the Lemp Mansion, the Villisca Axe Murder House in Iowa, Waverly Hills Sanatorium, and the Queen Mary.
Update: Underground Malibu Structure

First hour guest, talk radio host specializing in the paranormal, Jimmy Church, discussed his work researching and breaking the story about the Malibu deep underwater "base" or platform (graphic) earlier this year. Discovered through sonar mapping and topology studies, the top of the structure is 150 feet down, which suggests that it was above the water 10,000 years ago, he reported. Church believes the mysterious platform may have been a celebrated covered entrance to an inland river 10,000 to 50,000 years ago.

News segment guests: Christian Wilde, Gerald Celente

America's Most Haunted

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Judicial Issues/ Binary Sun Coast To Coast AM - September 30, 2014

Host:    George Noory
Guests:    John R. Lott, Walter W. Cruttenden
In the first half, political commentator and economist John Lott discussed his latest book Dumbing Down the Courts, in which he contends that intelligence has now become a liability for judicial nominees. Smarter judges, feared by their political opposition, are more frequently failing their confirmation proceedings resulting in reduced quality and intelligence of the judiciary, he argues. For Appeals and District Court judges, there's been a steady increase in terms of how long it's taken them to get confirmed, and confirmation rates have fallen, he cited. Lott found that it was nominees who'd gone to the best law schools, ranked highest in their class, and had the finest records who had the most difficulty getting confirmed as judges.

The more successful and smarter people were actually about 40% less likely to get confirmed onto courts, he continued. The fact that some of the best and brightest are not getting confirmed is a major problem because federal courts decide on many crucial issues and aspects of our lives, Lott asserted. He also updated his research into gun-related topics and concealed weapon carry laws. The president of the newly formed Crime Prevention Research Center, Lott reported that there are now almost 12 million Americans who have concealed carry permits, plus six states that no longer require permits. When a person is alone and confronted by a criminal, having a gun is by far the safest remedy to the situation, he remarked.

In the latter half, theoretical archaeo-astronomer Walter Cruttenden addressed how our solar system could be orbiting around a second or binary star, and how this affects civilizations and cycles over great periods of time. Actually, 80% of all stars are in binary or trinary systems, he detailed. The latest discoveries of dwarf planets and more objects in our outer solar system indicate that there is some very large mass out there that is aligning them in a certain direction, he noted. The dwarf planet Sedna, Pluto, and a newly discovered object all are pointed in the direction of Sirius, he added.

While one theory posits that the second star in our solar system could be a burned out brown dwarf, another theory conversely suggests that it's Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, that is our sun's binary twin, Cruttenden informed. Presently, Sirius is some 8.6 light years away, but since our solar system is moving faster than originally thought, "it's not unlikely that we could get around a center of mass with Sirius in 24,000 years if we're moving about 430 kilometers a second," he commented. Cruttendon will be a featured presenter at the CPAK Conference in October, and his film The Great Year about the cyclical truth of human history is screening free online on Thursday, October 2nd.

News segment guests: Dr. Gary Ridenour, Catherine Austin Fitts
Dumbing Down the Courts
More Guns, Less Crime
Lost Star of Myth and Time
The Great Year Adventures

Friday, September 26, 2014

Coast To Coast AM - September 25, 2014 Cow Mutilations, Triangle Sightings & Bird Extinctions

Cow Mutilations, Triangle Sightings, Bird Extinctions, & Stonehenge Discoveries
Thursday September 25, 2014
Earthfiles investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed more bizarre and bloodless cow mutilations, sightings of triangular UFOs, possible bird species extinctions, and the new discovery of mounds and structures at Stonehenge.
Host: George Noory
Guest(s): Linda Moulton Howe, Lee Speigel

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Coronal Holes, Top News | Sept 18, 2014

solar demon is claiming an M2 approximately 9am utc from sunspot 2169 ? not showing on GOES which was in eclipse mode ?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Space X, Dreams, & Global Consciousness -- Coast To Coast AM September 16, 2014

Coast To Coast AM September 16, 2014 Space X, Dreams, & Global Consciousness

Guests:     Stephan Schwartz, Robert Zimmerman, Kelly Sullivan Walden

During the middle two hours, futurist and researcher Stephan Schwartz talked about non-local consciousness and how a simple change in mindset can have a profound effect on the world around us. "There is an emerging world view that is taking over science," Schwartz observed, "that says that we live in a 'matrix of life' in which all life is interdependent and interconnected." He explained that this developing perspective sees consciousness as not entirely tethered to the physical body. The non-physical part of consciousness, he said, is believed to be responsible for such phenomena as ESP, near death experiences, creative breakthroughs, and spiritual epiphanies. Additionally, Schwartz surmised, this aspect of consciousness is connected to a global sentience which is shared by everyone and has been demonstrated in lab experiments such as the Princeton Eggs.

On how everyday people can create greater change in society, Schwartz shared a simple exercise which, he believes, could have a transformative effect on the world. He suggested that, when faced with a decision, a person should ask themselves "which is the most compassionate and life-affirming" choice and to pick that outcome. In turn, Schwartz said, tell ten friends about this new discipline and ask them to also adopt it as well as share it with others. Eventually, he posited, this benevolent decision making will reach critical mass and changes will begin to emerge. To that end, he pointed to the positive evolution of LGBT rights in recent years as an organic version of how this process can be seen at work in the world today.
Space Taxis

In the first hour, space historian Robert Zimmerman shared his thoughts on NASA awarding contracts to both Boeing and Space X to develop craft to take astronauts to the ISS. "Within the United States," he marveled, "this is going to be an interesting space race." He explained that the decision by NASA to choose two companies was based on a desire to both foster a competitive space industry and provide multiple methods of getting to the ISS. While Zimmerman expects Boeing to take some time to complete their craft, he noted that Space X has already flown their ship, known as 'Dragon,' to the ISS to deliver cargo and, after some technical adjustments, should be ready for manned spaceflight relatively soon.
Dreams & Nightmares

In the final hour, dream coach Kelly Sullivan Walden discussed dreams and nightmares. She stressed the importance of acknowledging and attempting to understand dreams, since they provide a glimpse into underlying issues which may not present themselves as clearly in the waking state. "In some ways, dreams are considered the secret wishes of the soul," Walden mused, "a lot of them are the way that spirit speaks to us." Regarding nightmares, Walden noted that such experiences may actually be beneficial for people because they allow them to face their greatest fears in a virtual environment. Upon waking from the dream and examining how they reacted, Walden said, people can develop a ways to confront such concerns or phobias when they are awake.

News segment guests: Jerome Corsi & Catherine Austin Fitts

    Opening to the Infinite
    Genesis: The Story of Apollo 8
    The Universe in a Mirror: The Saga of the Hubble Space Telescope
    I Had the Strangest Dream...: The Dreamer's Dictionary for the 21st Century
    It's All in Your Dreams

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Celestial Body Approaching Earth! - NIbiru / Planet X - Proof in the Facts

WHAT IS THAT? 1:24:37 or 22:00 (the thing moves when he touches it). Do let me know. Thanks. And in 2017 (if this link remains), we're in for some 'serious' asteroids. http://www.express.co.uk/news/nature/...
Chem trails help cool the planet? Not many tend to ask themselves this one question: "If Sitchen is wrong? Why do so many scientists, physicists ( 24:30 ), astronomers, and credited individuals 'give him' so very much credit (and support his theory of a Planet X / Nibiru), 'in being correct, and not just for one year, or two, but decades?' It's all in the facts, and if the facts are laid out properly? The answers are unavoidable. Why would the masses not be able to comprehend a large celestial body, such as Nibiru, approaching earth, and get so angry over the mere mention of it? If one knows, and truly comprehends, that they're going to die, they'll live their lives in the way they should have before such knowledge ever entered into their minds. Most think they have forever, and are exempt from the inevitable (any type of other thought riles them). It's all good. :)
It's not getting colder, not when you take in the scope of the entire planet. As of 2012, oddly, the planet Earth has been breaking weather records 'continuously.'
The evidence screams something the Mayan's may have known; the beginning of an end at the start of 2012? You be the judge.
I gather the evidence, share it, and hopefully, entice the viewer to dwell deeper into the topics I present as evidence. I ask you to believe nothing, only research it, and form your own conclusions. Many thanks to YouTube and the CC video clips used to comprise this video (Content).
If it does not need to be known, it won't be.
So, if you ever get to be the President of the USA, or Premiere of Canada, you'd never know if there are UFO's. You'd never be told if an alien civilization(s) visited, or are visiting earth. I think it'd be the very last thing you want to hear, and the one thing you'd try to avoid hearing about 'at all costs' because your job 'is hard enough.' After all, dealing with billions of people, is not an easy task. Imagine having to deal with trillions of aliens 'on top' of it? :) I think there would be another representative, or hidden government for dealing with aliens, UFO's, or extraterrestrial life.
A President or Premiere has to deal with religions, corporations, land rights, individual rights, foreign rights and affairs, and so very much more, regarding earth. Imagine 'more,' on top of all that responsibility. I think the job is mostly to maintain a balance of peace and order in the masses in as friendly a manner as possible (politics).
As head of the land (President / Premiere), I would think, your duty is to the people, business, and country, nothing else. The only time that I think a President or Premiere would know of aliens, UFO's or ET life, I would think, is if the people, and the land, were subject to a threat from that very alien extraterrestrial race, or those UFO's. IF there is no threat, let it be.
It's all on a need to know basis. If it does not affect your job, you don't need to know (and that 'is' how the majority prefers to operate). Anything else be a threat to the comfort levels that citizens have become so accustomed to enjoying.
Most likely, the President or Premiere knows nothing about intelligent life, or UFO's, or wants to, for that matter. Again, a different government would deal with the likes of outside world forces. Perhaps, that answers the need for such an ever increasing military budget? To deal with those very outside 'world forces,' and forces (and lifeforms), that would have any President or Premiere running away from, fast, while screaming; 'Mommy, where are you?'
After all, when you've studied world politics and law? It applies to 'one world,' not thousands. You'd be a fish out of water trying to deal with anything more, particularly that which is so foreign, 'it's out of this world.'
Let those whom are paid to deal with it, deal with it.
If it does not need to be known, it does not need to be.
Therefore, If it does not need to be known, it won't be.
I think that's pretty logical. No conspiracy.
If the President or Premiere does not need to know?
Figure out the rest... neither do you.
Still, no one can blame the mind that ponders and questions the things the working person 'is paid to ignore.' For there?
Dreams turn into teachings, which then become established and founded as a science, or philosophy, that, in turn, advances intelligence, through awakenings, in the very minds that come to comprehend them, the very minds destined to think 'outside of the box.'

Friday, September 12, 2014

Two Suns - Aliens, UFO's, The Annunaki - The Shocking Reality!

Verbatim and straight from the horses mouth, shall we say. To understand Nibiru, one must dive into the sciences behind it. I dwell mostly on what the experts are talking about in this video. Not many pretty pictures in this one BUT there is great footage of an Aug 1st, 2014 shot of what appears to be Nibiru in it. How come civilizations have virtually disappeared off of the face of the earth? Nibiru. It amazes me how far individuals and groups will go to debunk that which 'is' referred to by ancient races. So, I did some digging to find out how credible the status quo of evolution is, and found that it is not so credible. Shooting the messenger is not good practice, unless you're trying to hide the message of the messenger. When more and more archaeologists, anthropologists, scientists and astronomers start delivering an identical message, it's best to listen closely (Particularly if they are being ordered to not reveal their findings to the public). The Sumerian's called it 'Nibiru, the planet of the crossing.' If you want to know about Nibiru and the Annunaki? This is as close as I can get to the facts without learning how to interpret the Sumerian writings left on stone tablets (to last centuries for the very information they contained to be passed onto others). How really old is the earth? Just how many civilizations of species 'whom walked upright' lived upon Earth? Archaeological discoveries around the globe are being discovered to reveal many different species. Was the human race created by the Annunaki? The writings of the Sumerian's have been translated and the translations seem to correlate with the theories and evidences shared by many scientists across the globe. Here is as close as I can get to the facts regarding when the planet 'Nibiru' was first documented. However many other civilizations there may prove to be, will only prove to provide more proof that 'all' was created, in my opinion. It's all up to you to decide and know where the information is coming from and in as clear a form as it can be to understood. Ebola, Chemtrails and Mystery Flu's.

Valery Uvarov UFOs & Russian Pyramids - Bosnian Pyramid 2014 Conference

Scientist Valery Uvarov gives a stunning presentation on UFO Pyramid evidence and the Russia Pyramid Complex. The time has come and the pyramids are gradually revealing their secrets to us. Experiments to study the effect of the pyramids on animate and inanimate objects are changing conceptions about the properties of material. And despite the fact that attitudes to the pyramids are still mixed, they are becoming an ever more forcible presence in our lives, helping us to see the world with different eyes. Valery Uvarov - scientist, a specialist in paleosciences and paleotechnology, ufologist. More than 22 years devoted to the study of heritage of ancient civilizations. Did aliens help the ancient Egyptians build one of the oldest of pyramids, the Pyramids of Giza ? Some pyramids might still contain alien technology or even a UFO with its structure. UFOs, Aliens and Pyramids are still baffling mankind, Valery Uvarovs UFOs & Russian Pyramids at Bosnian Pyramid Conference 2014 may shed some light on how and why the pyramids were built.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Dr. Sabina DeVita - Secrets to Unlocking Your Intuition: The Pineal Gland Exposed

S y n o p s i s Dr. Sabina DeVita is international speaker, author, a holistic energy practitioner, registered nutritionist, environmentalist, energy psychologist inspires everyone to be informed about the synthetic fragrances, formaldehyde,damaging toxins, petrochemicals and even toxic hormone disruptors lurking in your home. In the end, your bodies or your children's bodies become the toxic waste dump! You'll also learn the latest in brain research, particularly the role of one of the most mysterious glands, your 'pineal gland' also referred to as the 'third eye', and how chemicals can impact your pineal and You in your creativity, your intuitive abilities, aging and more. Prevent illness, suffering and misery by going 'Real Green'! Wonderfully, she shows you how to make safe, affordable non-toxic choices for a healthy, safe and mold-free environment. In addition, she will help you to raise your 'home's frequencies' all while cleaning. You'll learn how to create your 'heaven on earth' in your home...that is your 'haven with energy!' With new understanding of what true, pure 'Real Green Essentials' oils can do for your body, mind and spirit - the reader will be guided to a UNIQUE, Simple, Spectacular,Vibrational & plant-based all organic household cleaning method! Learn valuable tips for all your household needs for your kitchen, laundry room, bathroom along with GREEN air fresheners and GREEN bug repellants. With her thoughtful, creative advice, Dr. Sabina DeVita gives you more than just creating an eco-friendly/eco-green, all organic home or office space. She shows you to Real Green clean and create a vibrationally-attuned home with new ways to activate your intuitive abilities - your Pineal gland (3rd eye chakra) all while cleaning! The 'Real Green Essentials' oils are so economical that you can eat and drink your cleaning products for a 'healthy' you! Now that's Real Green!

Monday, September 8, 2014

U.S. Warns ISIS Could Get Ahold Of Syria's Hidden Chemical Weapons

Jobs tumble but the unemployment rate drops to 6.1%. Job quality deteriorates again. 53 million people are now working in temp jobs. The tech sector has laid off 80,000 employees so far this year which is a 41% increase from last year. Healthcare.gov was hacked again. Putin has brokered a ceasefire deal between Ukraine and the South Eastern people. US troops or paid mercenaries are fighting in Iraq. EU countries could be purchasing hot oil from the Islamic State. Kiev might be planning to use a chemical attack on Donbass and put the blame on Russia. The US government is accusing Syria of hiding chemical weapons. This started back in Dec 2013. They are now reporting that ISIS could get a hold of the chemical weapons and use them.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Brien Foerster & Stephen Mehler Ancient Egypt Discoveries and Updates

Brien Foerster & Stephen Mehler talk about the khemitolgy tour, Ancient Egypt Discoveries and Updates.

Brien Foerster was raised on the west coast of Canada, where he developed a fascination,early on, of the Native people, their art, and oral traditions. This led to his becoming a professional sculptor, after graduating with an honours BSc degree from the University Of Victoria.

Several totem poles, wooden canoes, masks and other works now grace private collections around the world.

At the age of 35 he moved to Maui, Hawaii, and assisted, as deputy project manager, in the construction of a 62 foot long traditional sailing catamaran. After this he returned to Canada and his art.

Four years ago he made his first trip to Peru. Falling in love with its rich Native traditions, and a Peruvian resident, caused him to want to write about what he was learning. The effort has resulted in this book, so far.

Stephen Mehler was born and raised in New York City, USA His early education focused on the sciences and he received a B.A. in Physiology and Anatomy, with a minor in Chemistry, from Hunter College of the City University of New York in 1967. After a four year hiatus in the U.S. Air Force, during the Vietnam War, Stephen came to California and resumed academic work. He earned an M.A. in Natural Sciences from San Jose State University, specializing in Human Ecology. Discovering a love for prehistory, Stephen worked on an archaeological excavation in France in 1974 with Professor Francois Bordes of the University of Bordeaux, then Director of Antiquities for southwestern France. Returning to San Jose State University, Stephen earned a second M.A. in Social Sciences, specializing in Prehistory and Ancient History in 1978.

Egyptologist Stephen S. Mehler has spent over 30 years researching the answers to these questions: • Was there a advanced prehistoric civilization in ancient Egypt? • Who were the people who built the great pyramids? • Who carved the Great Sphinx? • Did the pyramids serve as energy devices and not as tombs for kings?

Mahler believes the answers are "Yes!" An indigenous oral tradition still exists in Egypt, he has been able to uncover and study it with the help of a living master of this tradition, Abd'El Hakim Awyan. He has also been given permission to share these teachings -presented heretofore in fragments by other researchers-to the Western World, teachings that unfold a whole new understanding of ancient Egypt.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Saturn Death Cult – Troy McLachlan on GW Radio

By http:--www.GnosticWarrior.com - Welcome to the Gnostic Warrior Radio Show and Podcast. In this episode I interview author and alternative history expert, Troy McLachlan. Troy is the author of the Troy Mclachlan slider (1)books, Saturn Death Cult and Cosmos in Collision. The Saturn Death Cult is an investigation into ancient planetary upheavals that heralded the birth and destruction of a fabled Golden Age following which mankind then degenerated into the obsessive pursuit of wealth and power through the perverted horrors of slavery, child sacrifice and mass-murder rituals. In this podcast Troy tells us about the alternative natural history of the planet Saturn as an explanation for the emergence of fearful rituals and agendas believed by many to be practised and promoted by occult elites the world over. He makes an intuitive attempt to link warped mythology-inspired sex-murder blood rites to the rise of a financial system dedicated to promoting a form of debt-slavery as a means of maintaining said elites in their positions of power.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Pilots Baffled by Orange and Red 'Mystery Lights' Over the Pacific Ocean!

A pilot and his co-pilot have spotted a mysterious orange and red glow over the Pacific Ocean. The strange lights were spotted south of the Russian peninsula Kamchatka during the flight of a Boeing 747-8 from Hong Kong to Anchorage, Alaska. ‘Last night over the Pacific Ocean, somewhere South of the Russian peninsula Kamchatka I experienced the creepiest thing so far in my flying career,’ he said. There were no thunderstorms on their route or weather-radar, suggesting the lightning did not originate in a storm. The glow is also a mystery; similar lights have been spotted from squid-fishing-boats, but van Heijst says this ‘would not make sense in this area’. ‘The closer we got, the more intense the glow became, illuminating the clouds and sky below us in a scary orange glow, in a part of the world where there was supposed to be nothing but water,’ he continued. ‘The only cause of this red glow that we could think of, was the explosion of a huge volcano just underneath the surface of the ocean, about 30 minutes before we overflew that exact position.’ He was then nervous of encountering an ash-plume in the middle of the night, but fortunately they did not encounter anything of the sort. Before the flight they had heard via radio about earthquakes in Iceland, Chile and San Francisco. But despite their being a few volcanoes on their route, they had had not been alerted to any new activity - although this doesn't necessarily include unseen underwater volcanoes.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Former CIA Director on Spending at the American Stock Exchange Investors Conference (1987)

Stansfield M. Turner (born December 1, 1923) is a retired United States Navy admiral and former Director of Central Intelligence and President of the Naval War College. He is currently a senior research scholar at the University of Maryland, College Park School of Public Policy.

Under Turner's direction, the CIA emphasized technical intelligence (TECHINT) and signal intelligence (SIGINT) more than Human intelligence (HUMINT). In 1979, Turner eliminated over 800 operational positions in what was called the Halloween Massacre.[2] In a biography published in 2005, Turner expressed regret for the dismissals stating, "In retrospect, I probably should not have effected the reductions of 820 positions at all, and certainly not the last 17."[3] Turner gave notable testimony to Congress revealing much of the extent of the MKULTRA program, which the CIA ran from the early 1950s to late 1960s. Reform and simplification of the intelligence community's multilayered secrecy system was one of Turner's significant initiatives, but produced no results by the time he left office.

During Turner's term as head of the CIA, he became outraged when former agent Frank Snepp published a book called Decent Interval which exposed incompetence among senior U.S. government personnel during the fall of Saigon. Turner accused Snepp of breaking the secrecy agreement required of all CIA agents, and then later was forced to admit under cross-examination that he had never read the agreement signed by Snepp.[4] Regardless, the CIA ultimately won its case against Snepp at the U.S. Supreme Court. The Court forced Snepp to turn over all his profits from Decent Interval and to seek preclearance of any future writings about intelligence work for the rest of his life. The ultimate irony was that the CIA would later rely on the Snepp legal precedent in forcing Turner to seek preclearance of his own memoirs, which were highly critical of President Ronald Reagan's policies.[5]

During his tenure as Director of Central Intelligence in the early 1980s when asked on an NPR interview program about 'domestic spying', he said, "Americans are not a source of much intelligence."

In the documentary Secrets of the CIA Turner commented on the MK ULTRA project, saying, "it came to my attention early in my tenure as director, and I felt it was a warning sign that if you're not alert, things can go wrong in this organization."

On March 12, 1980, President Jimmy Carter and Turner presented Antonio J. Mendez (also known as Tony Mendez) with the CIA's Intelligence Star for his role in the exfiltration of six U.S. State Department personnel from Iran on 28 January 1980.

Upon leaving the agency, Turner became a lecturer, writer, and TV commentator, and served on the Board of Directors of several American corporations. Turner served as a member of the Graduate School of Oceanography at the University of Rhode Island's Marine Advisory Council. Turner has written several books, including Secrecy and Democracy -- The CIA in Transition in 1985, 'Terrorism and Democracy' in 1991, Caging the Nuclear Genie -- An American Challenge for Global Security in 1997 (a revised edition of which was published in 1999), and 2005's Burn Before Reading: Presidents, CIA Directors, and Secret Intelligence, in which he advocates fragmenting the CIA.

Turner has been sharply critical of the Bush administration's handling of the 2003 Invasion of Iraq. In September 2003 he wrote that "most of the assumptions behind our invasion have been proven wrong: The intelligence did not support the imminence of a threat, the Iraqis have not broadly welcomed us as liberators, the idea that we could manage this action almost unilaterally is giving way to pleas for troops and money from other nations, the aversion to giving the U.N. a meaningful role is eroding daily, and the reluctance to get involved in nation building is being supplanted by just that." [2]

In November 2005, after Vice President Dick Cheney had lobbied against a provision to a defence Bill that Republican Senator John McCain had passed in the senate banning "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment" of all U.S. detainees, Turner was quoted as saying "I am embarrassed that the USA has a vice president for torture. I think it is just reprehensible. He [Dick Cheney] advocates torture, what else is it? I just don't understand how a man in that position can take such a stance." Cheney countered the bill went well beyond banning torture and could be interpreted by courts to ban most forms of interrogation.

Turner has served on the Military Advisors Committee for the Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities, whose mission is to reduce the amount of the discretionary budget going to the military by 15% and reallocate that money to education, healthcare, renewable energies, job training, and humanitarian aid programs.


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Gemini Moon, Venus In Leo And The Mystery Of The Sextile

Eleventh House Radio: Gemini Moon, Venus In Leo And The Mystery Of The Sextile

On today's broadcast of Eleventh House Radio, we'll be taking a look at Venus' arrival in the sign of Leo, the early conjunction with Jupiter and what it means for you. We'll also have some fun with the Gemini Moon and get into the matrix of duality, which our "reality" is based on. We'll also get into the mystery of the sextile and why it might be one of the most important and yet misunderstood aspects of the zodiac.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

If Ebola is Killing Medical Staff how will the Public Survive?

If hundreds of doctors and nurses are becoming infected with Ebola, what chance is the general public going to have? 240 health workers have contracted the virus and more than 120 of them have died, more than 2,600 people have been infected with Ebola since this outbreak began and more than 1,400 people have died. This virus continues to spread at an exponential rate, and now we have learned that there are confirmed cases of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Monday, August 25, 2014

ISIS Origins Revealed

David Knight takes the studio for Alex Jones and talks with Paul Joseph Watson about the James Folley beheading and how it is being used as a pretext for yet another war.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Why are Sinkholes appearing in Siberia ?

Why are there giant craters in Siberia? Several gaping craters recently appeared in the Yamal Peninsula of Siberia -- but what created them?

Whatever was in there, clearly exploded OUT. Could be that there was methane gas in the ice, something melted it, it caved in, then the compression of the methane gas caused it to spontaneously combust, creating the explosive crater that we see.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Breaking! Alex Jones Lays Out ISIS Plans to Strike America

The top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee said Sunni militants are working on the capability to wipe out a city inside the United States. The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has long threatened to carry out a catastrophic attack on American soil, with a spokesman recently boasting that the militant group would fly its flag over the White House.

Ivan Eland--ISIS In Iraq-From Bad To Worse 21.Aug.14

Ivan Eland Senior Fellow and Director, Center on Peace and Liberty joined us today to discuss the ISIS situation in the Iraq. After the beheading of reporter James Foley, one has to wonder what action the US will take next. ISIS is clearly losing more friends than it's making, but the call to act is getting louder in the Halls of Congress and elsewhere around the Country. Will Obama just keep efforts where they are now or will he up the ante?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Aliens in Ancient Egypt - Xaviant Haze

S y n o p s i s

The alien influences behind the rise and fall of Egypt’s Golden Age

• Explains how Akhenaten was the last pharaoh entrusted with the sacred and ancient alien knowledge of stargates, free energy, and antigravity technologies

• Reveals how the Brotherhood of the Snake, a secret society of reptilian aliens, sought to destroy Akhenaten and suppress the sacred knowledge of the pharaohs

• Explores the original purpose of the pyramids--to transmit energy to expand consciousness--and how they were decommissioned after the Great Flood

The sophisticated civilization of ancient Egypt arose seemingly overnight, complete with advanced levels of art, agriculture, astronomy, and physics. Then, with the death of Pharaoh Akhenaten, much of this higher knowledge was lost--or suppressed. But evidence of this former Golden Age, the alien visitors behind its rise, and those behind its decline still exists--some of it in plain sight.

Examining the purposefully obscured reign of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, Xaviant Haze explains how they represent the last dynasty with access to the sacred knowledge of stargates, free energy, and antigravity technologies, knowledge handed down from an advanced interstellar race in the remote past. He reveals how the reptilian race known as the Shemsu Hor infiltrated the Egyptian priesthood and banking systems and formed the Brotherhood of the Snake--a secret society set on destroying Akhenaten’s flourishing kingdom and suppressing the sacred knowledge of the pharaohs.

Haze examines the evidence of aliens in ancient Egypt, such as the reptilian beings depicted in the Temple of Hathor and Thutmose III’s alien encounter. He shows how Akhenaten and his family are always portrayed with elongated skulls and explores the connection between ancient aliens and Mars, including the Martian materials used in Egyptian monuments. He explains the original purpose of the pyramids--to transmit uplifting energy throughout the planet to help expand consciousness--and explores how they were decommissioned after the Great Flood of prehistory. He reveals how the original builders of the pyramids foresaw humanity’s fall from the Golden Age and strategically encoded these magnificent structures to wake humanity from the depths of the Dark Ages.

"Healed From Ebola" How Did This Happen?

 Ebola Patient Dr. Kent Brantly Says 'God Saved My Life' Nancy Writebol and Dr. Kent Brantly have been cured of the Ebola virus and released from Emory Hospital in Atlanta. Brantly, 33, called his recovery "a miraculous day." "I am thrilled to be alive, to be well, and reunited with my family," he said. He also told a news conference at Emory Hospital that "God saved my life." Both patients were given blood and urine tests to determine whether they still had the virus, Emory doctors said in a statement released this morning.

America is Falling Apart

Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Fritz Springmeier - Illuminati Plan for Order out of Chaos (8-19-14)

Infowars reporter Lee Ann McAdoo interviews Author Fritz Springmeier who discusses the Illuminati's hidden hand in the crisis taking place all over the world and more

The Collapse of Macroeconomics: An Interview With Dr. Woody Brock

Cris and Dr. Brock cover an array of issues, including the overuse of monetary policy, as well as the jobs multiplier vs. the monetary multiplier. In addition, Dr. Brock explains how bad fiscal policy leads to bad deficits.

Annunaki of Nibiru, Todays New World Order ? -- Gerald Clark

Gerald Clark on his book The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind's Forgotten Creators, Enslavers, Saviors, and Hidden Architects of the New World Order.

Many historical and scriptural findings not included in the Canonical Bible, have now come to light. Access to texts such as the Lost Book of Enoch, the Nag Hamadi Gospels, and the Book of Jubilees, among others is now widely available and, when synthesized and correlated with existing documents like the Bible and Qu'ran, merits rethinking Western civilization's origins and intent.

Prepare yourself for a profound belief-challenging journey through ancient Persia, Sumer, Greece, and Atlantis; from Rome to the United States, HQ of the New Atlantis.

U.S. public school history ignores the Sumerians, although they are credited with all aspects of modern civilization, influencing both Egypt and Greece alike. Television series produced by the History Channel, like the "Ancient Aliens" Series is assisting the masses in waking up to the fact that the Anunnaki were not a myth, having left physical documents and artifacts backing up their claims to have created mankind, described in highly sophisticated language, as recorded by Atrahasis.

It was in South Africa, where the idea was spawned to create a primitive worker, namely mankind, to operate the gold mines, provide temple building manpower, and generally serve every whim the Ancient Astronauts from Nibiru conceived of. Many of the Niburians, referenced in the Biblical Genesis as the Elohim, known to the Sumerians as the Anunnaki, were enthroned as Gods in Mesopotamia.

Race Riots Prophecy America -- Paul McGuire

Race wars race riots and threats to "spill out blood" a Sunni terrorist group and ISIS. Paul McGuire comments on the Future of America in Prophecy Pt. more info paulmcguire.us

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Barack Obama talks to The Economist

An interview with the president. The Economist's editor-in-chief and foreign editor talked to Barack Obama aboard Air Force One on August 1st, 2014 as he returned to Washington from Kansas City. The conversation ranged widely through the emerging world, China and Russia and the principles underlying his foreign policy. It ended with a lengthy riposte to those, including The Economist, who have criticised the White House for its treatment of business. You can listen to the full interview here or view the transcript via our website http://econ.st/USMdMN