Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Nick Barisheff : Gold Is Not in a Bubble

Nick Barisheff, CEO at Bullion Management Group Inc says Gold is not in a bubble , Gold has been money for 3000 years and it is still today , the same people that say Gold is a bubble have been saying that gold was in a bubble when it was at 500 , at 800 at a 1000 , and now at 1800 , gold is money also if you has hundred dollars bills in a vault they do not produce dividends , that's because gold is money it does not produce dividend too , because money is not an investment , we are in a currency bubble not in a gold bubble ....

1 comment:

  1. Seems to be the talk of the week. All the bulls are still charging! we just posted about this on our gold scam page http://www.facebook.com/goldripoffs

    You gotta check it out and pass it on to your readers, so they can learn how to see the red flags in gold and silver investments. Thanks for the great posts!
