Wednesday, September 14, 2011

3 Ways a Gold Standard Can Work

Steve Forbes is championing a return to a gold standard in five years time. together with Peter Schiff and Ron Paul , If Ron Paul become President in 2013. He will use Gold Standard for US dollar to make it valuable again.Paper money like Dollar, Yen, Euro, and rest currency are worthless. They are not valuable. Gold, Silver, Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, and other GEMS are worth a lot. If you go back in time like in Middle Age and you bring a currency from your country. You want to buy food and you give them your currency. You know what they going do they are going laugh at you. They say paper are worth nothing. Paper money is not just a mere userfriendly substitute for gold, like it is portrait to be and taught in schools; this is a dirty lie. Paper money is a means for power institutions (states, banks,..) to steal your valuables or fruit of your labor by imposing a fantasy trade item of which the value they manipulate as they wish. They can do this because violence is inherent in this system and all of humanity is oppressed by these institutions. Yes the world has changed; now we all are slaves

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty - Hour 3 - 12 Sept 2011

Bob Chapman : all the European banks are bankrupt unless their countries step in and bail them all out The people in Germany cannot take it anymore we can see violence in both Germany and Greece

Nick Barisheff : Gold Is Not in a Bubble

Nick Barisheff, CEO at Bullion Management Group Inc says Gold is not in a bubble , Gold has been money for 3000 years and it is still today , the same people that say Gold is a bubble have been saying that gold was in a bubble when it was at 500 , at 800 at a 1000 , and now at 1800 , gold is money also if you has hundred dollars bills in a vault they do not produce dividends , that's because gold is money it does not produce dividend too , because money is not an investment , we are in a currency bubble not in a gold bubble ....