Monday, September 19, 2011

Bob Chapman - Financial Survival 19 Sept 2011

Bob Chapman :  the situation in Europe is upside down , Gold will probably recover from here , the German people are furious they are sick and tired of supporting everybody ....Greece made a deal with Israel , the tension between Greece and Turkey are arising over offshore oil drilling , Bob Chapman also explains that we can have hyperinflation and deflation simultaneously ... Bob Chapman also calls for an NFL boycott ,

Bob Chapman - Erskine Overnight - September 17, 2011

Bob Chapman : the European union is on the brink of collapse , the bailout money is not going to do anything , gold price is going to come back again in three or four days , whoever owns banks stocks in Europe or even in America are going to get killed says bob Chapman , get out of stocks and bonds and put your money in gold and silver related assets ...

Bob Chapman : America that you know is gone

Bob Chapman : I got news for you America that you know is gone , you'll be lucky if we can emulate the 1950s that's when I grow up and it was not an easy job , you could not find a job you had to be connected , that's where we are headed many of you people will never ever work again ...they sent you probabl job to China or some other place , it is over you will eventually end up in an internment camp you will starve to death and they won't treat you .....