Friday, December 2, 2011

Bob Chapman : if Ron Paul is not elected you better get out if you can

Bob Chapman - Sovereign Economist - November 30, 2011 : the politicians do not tell the people what's going on they only show them the propaganda , this is not a free country anymore ,and if you question the government you are a terrorist .... , if Ron Paul is not elected you better get out if you can because it is not going to be nice .....

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Bob Chapman - Kerry Lutz - 01 Dec 2011

01 Dec 2011 - Bob Chapman on The Kerry Lutz Report to talk about the global economic outlook the European debt crisis , gold and silver markets outlook  ,The Chinese economic slowdown and much more  : the banks all over the world are broke the whole system is coming down says Bob Chapman and this is good because that's the key of the control for the elitists , if they do not have the banking system that they control now what they are going to do ? they cannot control anybody says Bob Chapman ....

Bob Chapman - The FED started QE3 - The Power Hour - Nov 28, 2011

Bob Chapman - The Power Hour - November 28, 2011 : six weeks ago in this program I broke the information that QE3 was going to start in the next couple of months and how are they going to do it , the federal Reserve is going to create more money and credit and and zip over to brokerage firms and and the banks and insurance companies and buy a bunch of bonds which contain mortgages that are practically worthless ....