Thursday, December 5, 2013

Fast Food Workers Strike For A Living Wage

Full Show 12/5/13: Fast Food Workers Strike For A Living Wage ,Thom talks Detroit's bankruptcy with Radio Host and Attorney Mike Papantonio, talks implementing DC's medical marijuana law with Rabbi Jeffrey Kahn and debates raising the minimum wage with Libertarian Radio Host Adam Thompson. Thom pays tribute to former South African President Nelson Mandela, takes viewer video questions and phone calls in "Your Take, My Take Live" and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses how the Supreme Court sides with corporations over people when it comes to free speech.

USA Prepares Radio Show (Commercial Free AUDIO) Thursday December 5 2013

--Date: 12/05/2013 Host: Vincent Finelli "Everyone all set? Cocked and locked? Here we go..." That is how Vincent starts every broadcast and the same energy is applied to the entire hour of his show. "USA Prepares" aims to: dispel incorrect information about eating habits, dangers of food additives, fluoride, chlorine, and fast food joints, medical prevention and cures, survival economics, preparedness and exposing the lies that keep us form being able to prepare, and much, much more. Common guests include: Frank Underhill Dr. Norman Shealy, Jim Marrs, James Wesley Rawles, Larry Pratt, Dr, Shayne, Dr. Richard Alan Miller, Mike Parsons, Roy Birdsong and Maggie Craddock. If you want to know how to buy a farm, raise farm animals, store food, learn the importance of precious metals, or even survive a gunfight, tune into "USA Prepares."

Obama's dictatorial policies ~ The Alex Jones Show(VIDEO Commercial Free) Thursday December 5 2013: Infowars Crew

Obama's dictatorial policies
-- Date: 12/05/2013 --
On this December 5 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars Nightly News host David Knight talks with fellow reporters Lee Ann McAdoo and Gigi Erneta about the murder of a citizen by a cop in Iceland, the first in that nation's history, and Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst's announced plan to fund a $60 million a year "permanent surge" on the border. David also talks with investigative journalist and the editor of Storyleak, Anthony Gucciardi, in-studio about Obama's dictatorial policies. Other topics up for discussion today include the sad state of the economy, the minimum wage and the hypocrisy of the globalist Trans-Pacific Partnership scheme. Alex calls into the show from the road.

BREAKING NEWS - South African Leader Jacob Zuma Announce Death Of Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela Dies Aged 95, South Africa Just Lost Its Greatest Son

Income Inequality in Capitalism

Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, and Christy Setzer, President of New Heights Communication, sits down with Phillip Yin to discuss the advantages and challenges of capitalism.

NIBIRU 'Worm Hole' MegaStorm Seen By NASA Neowise Space Conference 05/12/2013

NIBIRU 'Worm Hole' MegaStorm Seen By NASA [EMERGENCY WARNING] NASA WARNING Leaked Tommy Parky Team

Greece ~ The Rise of Golden Dawn

Golden Dawn has gone from being an obscure far-right grouping to become Greece's third-most popular party in a little over two years. In this film, the Journal charts the key events leading to a crackdown on the party by Greek authorities.

The Mexican UFO Crash - Wreckage Discovered

This show looks into the 1974 Coyame and 2007 Xilitla UFO crash cases in Mexico, where the Mexican and U.S. military reportedly recovered wreckage material.

Pinch of Poverty: Millions in EU forced to live close to breadline

Over 20 per cent of Europe's population is at risk of poverty. Bulgaria is one of the EU's most impoverished countries, with nearly half its population living close to the bread line. Romania is not far behind, where four out of ten find it hard to make ends meet. In bailed-out Greece, slightly over 30 per cent of the population struggle to meet financial demands. And, about the same percentage of people in Spain and Italy are under pressure from harsh austerity measures. RT's Egor Piskunov went to a food bank in Rome where essential provisions are handed out to the city's poorest.

Food Poverty in UK has reached level of 'public health emergency', warn experts.

The Government may be covering up the extent to which austerity and welfare cuts are adding to the problem
Hunger in Britain has reached the level of a “public health emergency” and the Government may be covering up the extent to which austerity and welfare cuts are adding to the problem, leading experts have said.In a letter to the British Medical Journal, a group of doctors and senior academics from the Medical Research Council and two leading universities said that the effect of Government policies on vulnerable people’s ability to afford food needed to be “urgently” monitored.

Dr. Ed Group on The Flouride Conspiracy

Alex and Dr. Ed Group continue with the facts on fluoridation and what we can do to fight it.

News In Two Minutes - Infrastructual Terrorism - 200 In Quarantine - Thaliand - Iran - Radiation

All Time Radiation High - Infrastructural Terrorism -- Food Security -- H7N9 Pandemic Precautions (200 in Quarantine) -- Fukushima Ground May Sink -- Thailand Signs of Revolution -- Iranian Army Base Attack -- Quakewatch.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Fukushima Crime Syndicate & Nuclear Watch Dogs | Brainwash Update

Abby Martin calls out the International Atomic Energy Agency for their endorsement of the Tokyo Electric Power Company's response to the nuclear disaster, despite the company's gross mismanagement of disaster.

Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (11-22-2013) The JFK Assassination: Evidence For a Conspiracy

On this edition of DTRH Popeye covers the assassination of President John F. Kennedy again. This time he plays a bunch of audio evidence that completely destroys the official story, and the lie that there is no evidence of a conspiracy. You will hear from Col. L. Fletcher Prouty on the possibility of hired guns, the lack of secret service protection, and the infamous picture of Col. Ed Lansdale in Dealey Plaza on November 22nd 1963. Next up is the big red flag in Popeye's eyes, Oswald couldn't do the shooting, it is impossible. Retired Navy SEAL Gov. Jesse Ventura, and Retired Gunnery Sergeant Carlos "White Feather" Hathcock couldn't do the shooting, so how could Oswald who didn't qualify with a rifle as high as either of them did while in the military. Then there is the story of Rose Cherami, which proves there was more than one person involved in the assassination of JFK, i.e. a conspiracy. Ending the broadcast you will hear, uninterrupted, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison's response, from June 19th 1967, to the attacks on him, and his office by NBC news before the trial of Clay Shaw, in order to taint the jury pool. The attacks worked, but history has proven his investigation to be accurate.

US 'Rust Belt' region fighting poverty and crime

There is a growing gap between the rich and poor but hope remains in some towns. Al Jazeera's John Hendren reports from Youngstown, Ohio.

Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (12-4-13) Dr. Russell Blaylock

On the Wednesday, December 4 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Jones examines the congressional testimony of the Cato Institute's Director of Health Policy Studies, Michael Cannon, who declared Obama's implementation of the Affordable Care Act and his penchant for wantonly "ignoring laws" could lead to an overthrow of the government. Alex also breaks down the monumental failure of the stillborn national healthcare site, on the heel's of Obama's speech touting improvements nearly 10 weeks after its launch, and the fact that Sen. Harry Reid has exempted his staff from having to purchase insurance. On today's show, Alex invites nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon and author Dr. Russell Blaylock to give a health practitioner's analysis of Obamacare, the vaccine hoax, and the global aerial chemical assault via chemtrails. We'll also cover Amazon's possible drone publicity stunt, the NFL boycott and other major news items, as well as take your calls.

Sanitas Radio - Dr. John Virapen | Side Effects: Death. Confessions of a Pharma-Inside

S y n o p s i s

"I bribed a Swedish professor to enhance the registration of Prozac in Sweden." -John Virapen Pharmaceutical companies want to keep people sick. They want to make others think that they are sick. And they do this for one reason: money. Did you know: * Pharmaceutical companies invest more than 35,000 Euro (over $50,000) per physician each year to get them to prescribe their products? * More than 75 percent of leading scientists in the field of medicine are "paid for" by the pharmaceutical industry? * Corruption prevailed in the approval and marketing of drugs in some cases? * Illnesses are made up by the pharmaceutical industry and specifically marketed to enhance sales and market shares for the companies in question? * Pharmaceutical companies increasingly target children? "Side Effects: Death" is the true story of corruption, bribery and fraud written by Dr. John Virapen, who has been called THE Big Pharma Insider. During his 35 years in the pharmaceutical industry internationally (most notably as general manager of Eli Lilly and Company in Sweden), Virapen was responsible for the marketing of several drugs, all of them with side effects. Now, Virapen is coming clean and telling all of the little secrets you were never intended to know!

* Pharmaceutical companies want to keep people sick.
* They want to make them think that they are sick.
* They increasingly target our children and they are killing them!
* And they do this for one reason: Money!

Why do I know this? -- I was a culprit myself.

During my 35 years in the pharmaceutical industry internationally, most notably as general manager of Eli Lilly and Company in Sweden, I was responsible for the market of several drugs, all of them with side effects.

The goal with what my current work is to contribute more transparency and more regulation of the criminal atrocities performed by big pharma!

I cannot do this alone. You can help by joining the cause.

Conspiracy Theory : The Kecksburg UFO Crash

The Kecksburg UFO incident occurred on December 9, 1965, at Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, USA. A large, brilliant fireball was seen by thousands in at least six U.S. states and Ontario, Canada. It streaked over the Detroit, Michigan/Windsor, Ontario area, reportedly dropped hot metal debris over Michigan and northern Ohio, starting some grass fires and caused sonic booms in Western Pennsylvania. It was generally assumed and reported by the press to be a meteor after authorities discounted other proposed explanations such as a plane crash, errant missile test, or reentering satellite debris[citation needed].

However, eyewitnesses in the small village of Kecksburg, about 30 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, claimed something crashed in the woods. A boy said he saw the object land; his mother saw a wisp of blue smoke arising from the woods and alerted authorities. Another reported feeling a vibration and "a thump" about the time the object reportedly landed. Others from Kecksburg, including local volunteer fire department members, reported finding an object in the shape of an acorn and about as large as a Volkswagen Beetle. Writing resembling Egyptian hieroglyphics was also said to be in a band around the base of the object. Witnesses further reported that intense military presence, most notably the United States Army, secured the area, ordered civilians out, and then removed the object on a flatbed truck[citation needed]. At the time, however, the military claimed they searched the woods and found "absolutely nothing"[citation needed].

The Tribune-Review from nearby Greensburg had a reporter at the scene; the headline in the newspaper the next morning was "Unidentified Flying Object Falls near Kecksburg — Army Ropes off Area". The article continued with, "The area where the object landed was immediately sealed off on the order of U.S. Army and State Police officials, reportedly in anticipation of a 'close inspection' of whatever may have fallen... State Police officials there ordered the area roped off to await the expected arrival of both U.S. Army engineers and possibly, civilian scientists." However, a later edition of the newspaper stated that nothing reportedly had been found after authorities searched the area.

The official explanation of the widely seen fireball was that it was a mid-sized meteor. However speculation as to the identity of the Kecksburg object (if there was one — reports vary) also range from it being an alien craft to debris from Cosmos 96, a Soviet Space Probe Intended for Venus but never left the atmosphere.

Similarities have been drawn between the Kecksburg incident and the Roswell UFO incident, leading to the former being referred to as "Pennsylvania's Roswell."

Whistleblower exposes truth about 'Fast & Furious'

Insider account of botched gun-running operation

Fukushima Meltdown is Warning to The World

The man in charge of Japan's crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has warned that the meltdown of the plant in 2011 contains important lessons for the British government and its plans to build new nuclear power stations.

News In Two Minutes - Ukrainian Coup - 200,000 In Shelters - Fukushima Worsens - Syrian Violence

Hong Kong Bird Flu + Pandemic Planning -- Ukrainian PM Coup -- Philippines Disaster Continues -- Over 200,000 Remain In Shelters -- Fukushima 7 Times Worse Than Chernobyl -- Christian Town Captured - Quakewatch.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Infowars Nightly News: Tuesday (12-3-13) Full Show

On The December 3, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts.

News Covered: Green energy vs grid. Slashing fossil fuel comes with a price. epa preparing new deluge of regulations. Venezuela can't keep lights on. solar energy (capture the sun, not block it?) Nuclear is Green! This proves it! Obamas big push for nuclear. Fukushima warning to all.

Risk Expert: "High risk" of Nuclear Holocaust at Fukushima update 12/3/13

Tepco Adviser: Fuel is damaged in two Fukushima pools — 150 billion Bq/m³ of Cesium-137 at Unit 3, possible second explosion after 3/11 — "Certainly appears something of significance occurred" Tepco Adviser: Fuel is damaged in two Fukushima pools — 150 billion Bq/m³ of Cesium-137 at Unit 3, possible second explosion after 3/11 — "Certainly appears something of significance occurred"

TV: All-time high radiation level in well at Fukushima plant 40 meters from Pacific — 1.1 billion Bq/m³ of strontium-90, other beta emitters — "Feared highly contaminated water leaking into ground" and being allowed to flow into sea (VIDEO)

AP: Experts warn about ground sinking at Fukushima plant — Tepco Adviser: Reactor building structures likely degraded; "Containment degradation" concerns back in 2011

TV: Sea star die-off worse than thought; Now over entire West Coast; Going from one species to others — Gov't tests 'rule out' Fukushima — Coincidence they're all melting at once, or something fishy is going on in these waters (VIDEO)

Professor: "It's true that about 70% of Japan's territory is polluted" by Fukushima radioactive material; Tokyo contaminated with highly toxic radiation — "Experts worry about catastrophic impacts on health"

Study: Those lacking wisdom expected Fukushima plume to disperse before hitting West Coast — In reality "sharp features" were detected even after several days travel (PHOTO)

Gundersen: They want to dump all Fukushima's radioactive water in Pacific — Tepco: It will be diluted, then released — Professor suggests pumping it out in deep ocean (VIDEOS)

The End of Internet Freedom ~ Alex Jones

In another blow to the Constitution, the Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a case by Amazon and challenging a law that requires online retailers to collect sales tax in states where they have no physical presence. The Supreme Court refusal to hear the case will allow state governments to tax online retailers and turn online retailers into de facto tax collection agencies

TSA Breaking Into Cars. Will VIOLATE You

TSA Expands Searches of Parked Cars at Airports

TSA-approved warrantless searches of vehicles parked outside airports are being expanded, with a photograph taken at Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport informing Thanksgiving travelers that all vehicles belonging to AmeriPark customers "will be searched by uniformed security."

The policy, which first came to light earlier this summer after complaints from people who found notes inside their car which read, "your vehicle has been inspected under TSA regulations," continues to cause confusion and stoke concern amongst privacy advocates.

When the story first broke, the TSA was keen to deflect responsibility by explaining that although, "the plan is approved by the TSA, it is up to each airport authority and its state and local law enforcement partners to follow the plan that has been implemented."

Agribusiness turns from GMOs to mutagenesis

Genetically modified organisms (or GMOs) aren't the only unregulated way to modify the genetics of crops. As GMOs get more bad press and lobbying movements against them, chemical companies are increasingly turning to mutagenesis, a process that changes the genetic information of an organism in a stable way, resulting in a genetic mutation. RT's Ameera David talks to James Shapiro, a professor of microbiology at the University of Chicago, to find out if consumers should be worried about the effects of mutagenesis in the food supply.

Alex Jones Show: Tuesday (12-3-13) Lionel

Alex uncovers a wide range of tyranny on this Tuesday, December 3 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Experts and analysts are now warning that Amazon's proposed delivery drones could be used to gather information on Americans much like how Google Street View cars harvested and stored data from private Wi-Fi networks. Nationally syndicated radio host and legal analyst Lionel joins the broadcast to discuss these recent developments and how the establishment demonizes anyone who analyzes cover-ups and corruption instead of following the government's false narratives without question. editor Kurt Nimmo also joins the show to break down the government takeover of the Internet as state governments begin taxing online purchases, which will undoubtedly hurt working families the most. Alex takes your calls throughout the broadcast.

Small Space Permaculture Food Forest Garden on 1/4 Acre Home Lot

John from goes on a field trip to visit sDr. Bob Randall' Permaculture Food Forest in Suburban Houston, Texas. In this .28 acre lot bob grows over 150 varieties of fruit trees, a raised bed vegetable garden and more. In this episode you will learn how he is growing many different types of plants using permaculture principles. During this episode John will give a tour of the property and share many of the different types of plants growing at this suburban food forest. John will also interview Dr. Randall and ask him some questions about permaculture and some new ways to get you to think about your organic home garden. After watching this episode you will be sure to learn some new ways and techniques that you can use to have a more successful garden in the future.

ALEX JONES - The US has become a THIRD WORLD Country full of VILE Corruption

Alex Jones Breaks Down The Dumbing Down of America Alex covers the reasons behind the current economic crash and the Globalist plan to control markets worldwide. Stay in the know

The Crop Circles Phenomena

This show looks at the phenomena of crop circles -- from a 1678 woodcarving of "mowing devils" to the growing occurrences of present day formations both in complexity and number.

A crop circle is a sizable pattern created by the flattening of a crop such as wheat, barley, rye, maize, or rapeseed. Crop circles are also referred to as crop formations because they are not always circular in shape. The documented cases have substantially increased from the 1970s to current times.

Twenty-six countries reported approximately 10,000 crop circles in the last third of the 20th century; 90% of those were located in southern England. Many of the formations appearing in that area are positioned near ancient monuments, such as Stonehenge. According to one study, nearly half of all circles found in the UK in 2003 were located within a 15 km (9.3 miles) radius of Avebury. Archeological remains can cause cropmarks in the fields in the shapes of circles and squares, but they do not appear overnight, and they are always in the same places every year.

Since becoming the focus of widespread media attention in the 1980s, crop circles have become the subject of speculation by various paranormal, ufological, and anomalistic investigators ranging from proposals that they were created by bizarre meteorological phenomena to messages from extraterrestrial beings. Many crop circles have been found near ancient sites such as Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument located in the English county of Wiltshire. They have also been found near mounds of earth and stones raised over a grave or graves, also known as tumuli barrows, or barrows and chalk horses, or trenches dug and filled with rubble made from brighter material than the natural bedrock, often chalk. There has also been speculation that crop circles have a relation to ley lines. Many New Age groups incorporate crop circles into their belief systems.

Some cereologist groups think that crop circles are caused by ball lighting and that the patterns are so complex that they have to be controlled by some entity. Some proposed entities are: Gaia asking to stop global warming and human pollution, God, supernatural beings (for example Indian devas), the collective minds of humanity through a proposed "quantum field", or extraterrestrial beings.

Monday, December 2, 2013

News In Two Minutes - Thailand Revolution - Qatar Denies Outbreak - Winter Comes For Syrian Refugees

Thailand Civil Unrest and Violence Increases -- Qatar Denies MERS Outbreak -- Israel Seeks Iranian Lies -- Hard Winter Coming For Syrian Refugees - Global Economy -- Chinese Air Defense Zone -- Quakewatch.

Is "Terror" Event Coming Soon?

The solution is to have massive whistle blowing from insiders collectively in every area of endeavor that is being controlled and manipulated against humanity. More Snowdens but not just techie guys like him-every facet of the Agenda 21 spider web.

Infowars Nightly News: Monday (12-2-13) Full Show

On The December 2, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight Hosts.

News Covered: Record crowds over weekend, but spending declined. DHS Googling Travelers Before They Enter U.S.? ObamaCare Website Crashes When CNN Tests Upgraded Version. Ohio Amish girl in chemo case doing well, remains in hiding. GovSchools Threaten Parents With Armed, Militarized Raids Unless They Comply With Demands. Reporter tells MSNBC Obama administration 'most hostile to the media . . . in US history' Canadian Police Arrest Man for Photographing Cop Car as Daughter Records Chilling Scene. Amazon unveils plans for deliveries by drone.

How Big Pharma Caused an AIDS Genocide

Abby Martin talks about World AIDS Day, drawing attention to the millions of people worldwide that die from this now-preventable disease due to lack of affordable lifesaving medicine.

Fukushima Radioactive wave to Reach The US Coasts in 2014

When the giant tsunami wave hit the Japanese coastline and tore apart the Fukushima nuclear facility, it has been leaking radioactive substance into the water ever since. Now scientists are warning us that in the year 2014 this radioactive wave will be sweeping across America's coastline and there is little, if anything we can do about it.

Canada complicit in NSA spying on world leaders

It's no longer news that the National Security Agency is spying on the leaders of the United States' closest allies. But it is news that one of our closest allies, Canada, helped us spy on leaders at the G8 and G20 Summits in 2010, according to the latest leaks by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. According to a Canadian Broadcasting Company report, the US "turned its Ottawa embassy into a security command post during a six-day spying operation by the [NSA] while U.S. President Barack Obama and 25 other foreign heads of government were on Canadian soil in June of 2010. The covert U.S. operation was no secret to Canadian authorities." RT's Meghan Lopez talks with Steve Anderson, the executive director of OpenMedia, a group that works to safeguard the Internet, about Canadian complicity in NSA spying.

Comet ISON - Effect on Earth -12-2-2013

We Have Been Set Into a Different Motion With Comet ISON My Friends

The Alex Jones Show(VIDEO Commercial Free) Monday December 2 2013: News & Calls

Obama Controls Media Access
-- Date: 12/02/2013 --
On this Monday, December 2 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex confronts more brazen governmental intrusion into the lives of citizens at home and abroad as the TSA stands accused of using Google to deny people entry into the country. Alex also looks at Obama's over-the-top effort to deny media photographers access while pushing officially approved photos in a move reminiscent of Soviet era propaganda and smacking of cult of personality antics favored by authoritarian regimes. Alex also takes a look at other aspects of the police state, including the arrest of a Canadian man for daring to photograph police in Montreal. On today's worldwide broadcast, Alex takes your calls and covers other important news items.

The Iodine Conspiracy ~ Alex Jones

Intended for human and animal use as a daily, dietary supplement, the nascent iodine in Survival Shield® may be an important part of an optimum health routine. Iodine is the mineral basis of the HPT (Hypothalamus--Pituitary--Thyroid) Axis, and many believe that the HPT Axis is the underlying basis of the HPA (Hypothalamus--Pituitary--Adrenal) Axis. Proper thyroid and endocrine function are absolutely necessary for the body to perform at the peak of health.

The Top 4 Reasons You Need Nascent Iodine

1. Iodine is an essential mineral that supports thyroid health and well-being.

2. Nascent iodine may support healthy iodine levels.

3. Nascent iodine may support healthy hormone levels.

4. Nascent iodine may be involved in maintaining healthy metabolism.

The Invention of Survival Shield® & What Sets It Apart

Survival Shield® is manufactured in a state-licensed facility that meets federal regulatory standards, is cGMP/HACCP-compliant, and lab grade. Raw elemental iodine is a controlled substance both at a State and Federal level. The licensing, approvals and regulatory documentary procedures are exacting and costly.

The production process of Survival Shield® has a stabilizing effect on the elemental iodine, making it in to a simpler form of nascent iodine.

Bound forms of iodine must first be separated, clarified and purified from other binding components or impurities into a USP-grade (US Pharmaceutical), mono-elemental iodine as certified USP resublimated iodine crystals. In this purified crystal form, iodine is a highly reactive and toxic substance. However, when the purified USP iodine crystals are subjected to a proprietary process it becomes nano-colloidalized and transforms into a form of elemental nascent iodine, also referred to as monoatomic iodine, without the addition of iodides!

Another Broken Promise? - Deadline To Fix Obamacare Site Passes By

Another Broken Promise? - Deadline To Fix Obamacare Site Passes By

Sunday, December 1, 2013

China launches first moon rover mission

China has successfully launched its first mission to land a spacecraft on the moon. The mission includes a rover vehicle and, if successful, will be the first soft touchdown on the Moon since 1976. Al Jazeera's Tarek Bazley reports.

Solutions to A Lawless Rogue Government

Alex takes call from 1st time callers on the topics of society, the current state of affairs worldwide and possible solutions to the problems we face.

News In Two Minutes - Unrest - Duality - Pandemic Virus Escape Probability - NASA

Unrest In Egypt -- US Rebukes Eastern Anti Protest Law -- Study Shows GM Pandemic Virus May Escape Laboratory Setting -- NASA To Build Plant Growth Chamber On Moon -- Lunar Solar Farm -- Quakewatch.

The Alex Jones Show - Sunday, December 01, 2013 (Full Show)

On the Sunday, December 1 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex Jones returns live to the airwaves and breaks down the open tyranny that the west has become. Governments and corporations are systematically breaking the law across the board in a revolution against liberty and the individual, and Jones will discuss solutions in the battle against this open declaration of war against free humanity. We'll also be covering other trending news items and take your calls. This is one you don't want to miss.

No Agenda Show: Sunday (12-1-13) Episode 570 - Festival of Corruption

No Agenda Show: Sunday (12-1-13) Episode 570 - Festival of Corruption

William Cooper Sums Up The Future!!!

May 6, 1943 - November 6, 2001
UFO conspiracist, tax resister, and self-styled "militiaman", Milton William Cooper left a mixed legacy. While those who were inclined to accept his theories on John F. Kennedy’s assassination and a government cover-up of an alien invasion found him engaging and personable, those who questioned his logic or asked for proof found that 'his demeanor and attitude was "unfriendly" at best.' 1 A Clinton White House memo allegedly labelled him "the most dangerous radio host in America"2 while those who identified with his shoot-from-the-hip independence called him America’s greatest patriot.
Best known as the author of Behold a Pale Horse (1991),
this book detailed his claims of an extraterrestrial invasion and government cover-up, as well as the complete text of the notorious antisemitic hoax, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, with Cooper claiming that "any reference to 'Jews' should be replaced with the word 'Illuminati."He hosted a short-wave radio programme called The Hour of the Time (WBCQ worldwide short-wave 7.415 MHz (0300 to 0400 UTC) Monday through Thursday nights). In October 2001, Cooper’s radio show was cancelled because of "lack of funds". He also hosted a talk show broadcast on the Worldwide Christian Radio out of Nashville.
Cooper made many claims about his life. He claimed to have been a member of the Order of DeMolay, an appendant body of Freemasonry, claiming this gave him insight into the hidden clues of masonic control. 3
A second-class petty officer, he had received an Honourable Discharge from the United States Navy on 11 December, 1975. But he also made unverified claims to have worked for Naval Intelligence, using this as justification for many of his claims and accusations regarding what he claimed was a government cover-up regarding UFOs.
He first posted messages in ParaNet early in 1988 but, when asked for evidence, became so abusive that he was eventually barred. "He was known for plagiarizing the 'research' of other UFOlogists and claiming that he first saw all this stuff in Naval Intelligence documents in the early '70s—including things the UFOlogists made up as jokes." 4
"It didn't take long for the UFO mainstream to turn against Cooper. He had come out of nowhere telling grossly sensational stories, and yet was quickly eclipsing those who had been laboring for decades to gain public acceptance for stories only a bit less outlandish. A little investigation quickly showed how Cooper’s tales were not only implausible and unsubstantiated, but had significantly changed over time. Don Ecker of UFO Magazine ran a series of exposés on Cooper in 1990." 5
Over time, his claims became more outlandish. He claimed that JFK was assassinated by his driver, citing a special 'washed' version of the Zapruder film that seemed to show Kennedy’s driver, William Greer, turning to shoot the President—an allegation since disproven. 6 He later claimed that the aliens in an American television series, "Alien Nation", were real aliens.7
By 1998, the USA federal government had several outstanding warrants for Cooper and his wife for tax evasion and bank fraud. Cooper’s Chinese-born wife, Annie, and their two daughters had left the United States in June 2000; Cooper remained at his home in Eagar, Apache County, Arizona.
Cooper had made it clear, both online and on air, that he would not surrender to the police. 'According to Glenn Jacobs, a local newspaperman who knew Cooper, "he kept an AK-47 just inside his front door by a magazine rack."' 8
At 11:40 pm, 5 November, 2001, Apache County Sheriff’s deputies attempted to serve an arrest warrant at Cooper’s residence. Earlier that day Cooper had seen a man driving past his home, ran out, jumped in his car and drove after the man, forcing him to pull over, and threatening him at gunpoint. The man, a local doctor, waited until Cooper left then called the police, who issued a warrant against Cooper for "aggravated assault with a deadly weapon."
Cooper had lost a leg in a motorcycle accident many years before, and police surveillance indicated that there was a high probability that his home contained a number of firearms.9 Police believed that if they could lure Cooper out of his home they would have a better chance of arresting him.
"Members of the Apache Country Sheriff’s Office deployed several deputies in the area adjacent to Cooper’s home in an attempt to draw him from his residence to serve an arrest warrant. After leaving his residence in his vehicle, Cooper confronted plainclothes deputies a short distance away. As Cooper drove back to his residence, Sheriff’s deputies attempted to stop him using a fully marked patrol vehicle to block the roadway. Cooper refused to stop or comply with verbal orders issued by deputies. Cooper drove around the patrol vehicle, off the roadway, and attempted to run over a sergeant before heading back to his residence. Cooper was followed a short distance to the front of his residence where he was again confronted by uniformed deputies. After refusing once again to comply with orders from deputies, Cooper exited his vehicle and ran toward his house, firing shots from a handgun towards deputies. Deputy Robert Marinez of the Apache County Sheriff’s Office was struck in the head by at least one round. Deputies returned fire, striking and fatally wounding Cooper." 10

William Cooper
William Cooper
Although widely reported as 5 November, the police report gives his time of death as early in the morning of 6 November.11 On 15 November, a memorial service was held for Cooper at the Jewkes Mortuary in Eagar, Arizona. Shortly after his death, internet reports of a press conference that William Cooper had allegedly held two weeks before his death began to appear. These have been denied by his website as being a hoax. 12

Joyce Riley Interviews Arnie Gundersen 11-25-13

Joyce Riley Interviews Arnie Gundersen 11-25-13

Pastor Lankford & Steve Quayle ~ Coast To Coast AM Alternative HH

Coast To Coast AM Alternative HH - Pastor Lankford & Steve Quayle

Author and researcher Steve Quayle riffed on a variety of topics such as giants, weather modification, secret aircraft, biblical prophecy, genetic engineering, the Illuminati agenda, and Planet X. The machinery to affect weather has gotten smaller and cheaper over the years, and there are currently 72 ionospheric heaters, in addition climate-controlling technology like Project HAARP, he outlined. Sightings of silent triangular-shaped craft are on the rise, and a battle in outer space is imminent, said Quayle, naming "extra-dimensionals" and black-ops as some of the participants.

The "super-soldier" program, Stargate technology, and CERN are involved in efforts to re-animate ancient giants, who were some 12-18 ft. height, he declared. "We are experiencing now the full implementation, in my opinion, of the Luciferian war on humanity. We talk about the New World Order, the Illuminati, the International League, but what is the prime directive of all those entities? It's the destruction of a five and half billion people," he cautioned.

Quayle reported his recent conversation with a "high ranking Goldman Sachs official" who'd visited one of the elite's underground cities that was being prepared. The official warned him that a "global flu" had already been determined, and a mandatory vaccination will be required, with those who refuse to take it being sent to FEMA camps. On the subject of Planet X, Quayle suggested that we're already seeing its effects throughout the solar system, and eventually, it will lead to a massive number of simultaneous active volcanoes on Earth.


Stephen Quayle is the author of five books. For over thirty years, he has been investigating ancient civilizations, giants, UFOs and biological warfare as they relate to the future of mankind. Stephen discusses the coming worst-case scenarios approaching this world and how they interrelate to each other. Earthquakes, volcanoes, nuclear and biological terrorism, coupled with the planned financial meltdown of the U.S. dollar will thrust us into unimagined tribulations. Stephen Quayle is on record as stating that we have moved from the realm of natural threats into the arena of supernaturally guided events of the unseen hand of evil orchestrating world events of unfathomable proportions.

Zecharia Sitchin (Azerbaijani: Zaxariya Sitçin) (July 11, 1920 -- October 9, 2010) was an Azerbaijani-born American author of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Sitchin attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he states was a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru. He believed this hypothetical planet of Nibiru to be in an elongated, elliptical orbit in the Earth's own Solar System, asserting that Sumerian mythology reflects this view. Sitchin's books have sold millions of copies worldwide and have been translated into more than 25 languages.

According to Sitchin, Nibiru (called "the twelfth planet" because, Sitchin claimed, the Sumerians' gods-given conception of the Solar System counted all eight planets, plus Pluto, the Sun and the Moon) was the home of a technologically advanced human-like extraterrestrial race called the Anunnaki in Sumerian myth, who Sitchin states are called the Nephilim in Genesis. He wrote that they evolved after Nibiru entered the solar system and first arrived on Earth probably 450,000 years ago, looking for minerals, especially gold, which they found and mined in Africa. Sitchin states that these "gods" were the rank-and-file workers of the colonial expedition to Earth from planet Nibiru.

Steve Quayle
Steve Quayle

Stephen Quayle is the author of five books. For over thirty years, he has been investigating ancient civilizations, giants, UFOs and biological warfare as they relate to the future of mankind. Stephen discusses the coming worst-case scenarios approaching this world and how they interrelate to each other. Earthquakes, volcanoes, nuclear and biological terrorism, coupled with the planned financial meltdown of the U.S. dollar will thrust us into unimagined tribulations. Stephen Quayle is on record as stating that we have moved from the realm of natural threats into the arena of supernaturally guided events of the unseen hand of evil orchestrating world events of unfathomable proportions.


BREAKING TIME TRAVELER NEWS NIBIRU & ISON, NOW WHAT by Ben TimeTraveler .Published on Dec 1, 2013 by Ben TimeTraveler

BREAKING NEWS - NYC Metro Train Derails In Bronx, Reports Of Train Cars Submerged

A Metro-North passenger train has derailed in New York City, with reports of "multiple injuries" police have said.
The Fire Department of New York (FDNY) said 135 firefighters were at the scene of the derailment close to Spuyten Duyvil station in the Bronx on Sunday.
Emergency services were "assisting with rescue and treatment of patients" at the scene of the accident.