Monday, April 18, 2011

John Rubino : Short Squeeze In Silver ! Could Be The Big One

Silver is in a prolonged backwardation , basically silver was in a backwardation since January , a backwardation happens when the spot prices are higher than the Future prices it is a very rare very unusual very bullish situation , normally when a commodity goes into backwardation it lasts just for a short time but Silver was in backwardation since January , even if the price of silver has risen it remained in backwardation which is very very rare .People should own some physical silver around them but also store some in other countries. Better to diversify geographically. Confiscation risk is possible although not currently probable. A well diversified precious metals portfolio would be diversified geographically with physical metal though. Gold Money, Central Fund of Canada, Sprott, Perth Mint, etc.

John Rubino, author of "The Collapse of the Dollar" and co-author, with GoldMoney's James Turk, of The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit From It (Doubleday, 2007), and author of Clean Money: Picking Winners in the Green-Tech Boom (Wiley, 2008), How to Profit from the Coming Real Estate Bust (Rodale, 2003) and Main Street, Not Wall Street (Morrow, 1998). After earning a Finance MBA from New York University, he spent the 1980s on Wall Street, as a Eurodollar trader, equity analyst and junk bond analyst.

Gold and silver prices react to Bernanke liquidity Bubble

Gold and Silver. once again the hottest investment picks today and for the week, the Gold surging toward $1,500 an ounce. the new nominal record high, silver hit a 30-year high, just over $43 an ounce. did someone say Bernanke liquidity bubble? well, i just did once again says Larry Kudlow. and as for stocks, the Dow gained 57 points today on positive consumer sentiment, strong industrial production, and a good new york fed manufacturing index. but consumer prices jumped again and they are now rising 6% at an annual rate over just the past three months. stocks did fall for the week, however, lingering earnings disappointments in the light that alcoa, google, and bank of America. so let's talk about this fed liquidity bubble and the outlook for earnings next week so you investors can figure out how to make an inflation proof buck or two.

Marc Faber on Gold : Physical assets vs Miners

Marc Faber, editor & publisher of "The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report" talks about his preferred ways to invest in gold  " well basically I do not think that people should punt on Gold but they should be their own central bank and gradually accumulate gold reserves as a currency and they should basically hold it physically but not in the US outside the US " " I think there is the risk that the US will once again as they did in 1933 collect the gold expropriate the gold they will not take away and not pay anything they'll pay probably the market price and after they will revalue it it by say five times "

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Robert Kiyosaki : my lifestyle is not dependent up the stock market

Robert Kiyosaki  :   “They are definitely not for the masses, no. They are only for people who want to get rich. Most people want to get rich, which is why they go to Vegas; or buy a lottery ticket; they are just not willing to pay the price, which is how our whole conversation started. It comes back to the question--- ‘Are you willing to pay the price, and how bad do you want it, and how are you going to do it?’ How bad do you want it, and which process are you going to take? The process I chose was to get financially educated to be an Entrepreneur; to understand real estate and to understand the stock market. I floated a company a few weeks ago, and I made more money in a day than people will make in a lifetime. The thing moved---I had $.15 a share and the thing went to $3.25 a share – a million and half shares. But, it’s all on paper and I know it is bogus; so if I lost it all, it wouldn't affect my lifestyle. I can lose three million dollars because it’s just paper. Thus, my lifestyle is not dependent up the stock market.”
in a recent interview
Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

$500 Silver, Max Keiser

It's important to remember that gold & silver do not increase in value, they are real money. When the price goes up it only reflects the paper becoming less valuable. Every nation is printing like mad to pay their debts down. We're the king debtor of the globe with over 200 trillion in obligations over the next 5 years. That many paper dollars don't even EXIST yet the world is lead to believe we can pay it back. Buy metals while our green paper still can! $43 silver is still cheap. GATA's Adrian Douglas makes the case for bullion bank metals price supression, and for the TRUE value of one ounce of gold.Get in position now and realize the coming upswing in the price of silver ! Mike Maloney said that in past history an average house would cost 1K oz of Silver to buy. But during the currency panic the house could probably be bought for 500oz of Silver. For 1K oz you can get you McMansion or large Farm. ;-)

Max Keiser is a film-maker, broadcaster and former broker and options trader. Keiser is the host of On the Edge, a program of news and analysis hosted by Iran's Press TV. He also hosts Keiser Report, a financial tabloid, that broadcasts on RT (formerly Russia Today). Keiser hosted the New Year's Eve special, The Keiser's Business Guide to 2010 for BBC Radio 5 Live.

Gold & Silver Rush Has Begun amongst Billionaires

"Silver And Gold Hit A New All-Time High Price" Thanks To Dollar Collapse Gold hits new all time price and Silver hits a new 31 year high price. The steady collapse of the U.S. dollar will continue to make silver and gold rise as it will take more paper money to buy them.

Mike Maloney for the first time in human history silver is more rare than Gold , the amount of silver that investors can buy , the amount of silver in the exchanges , the amount of silver in the dealers , there is more gold for investors to buy than there is silver so as this bull market progresses I do expect a rush into silver as people find out that silver is more rare ....

Mike Maloney Silver is the next Gold

Mike Maloney for the first time in human history silver is more rare than Gold , the amount of silver that investors can buy , the amount of silver in the exchanges , the amount of silver in the dealers , there is more gold for investors to buy than there is silver so as this bull market progresses I do expect a rush into silver as people find out that silver is more rare ....

Mike Maloney about Gold and Silver Investments : "Silver And Gold Hit A New All-Time High Price" Thanks To Dollar . Collapse Gold hits new all time price and Silver hits a new 31 year
high price. The steady collapse of the U.S. dollar will continue to
make silver and gold rise as it will take more paper money to buy

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Donald Trump on Sean Hannity : talking about Obama Birth Certificate

Donald Trump on Sean Hannity : talking about Obama Birth Certificate

Donald Trump
: I do not love this issue I much rather talk about how China is ripping us off how OPEC is ripping us off that's what I am really good at I understand it I can do such a great job , but this issue came out about six weeks ago and I have heard about it for years but I never thought too much about it and I assumed he was born in this country , but six weeks ago I started really looking into it , he's got a certificate of Life Birth that's not a birth certificate it's a big big step lower in fact in some places you cannot get married you cannot get a driver's license with a certificate of Life Birth ...etc...

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Bob Chapman : Silver Miners Shorted By US Government !

Bob Chapman : Silver Miners Naked Shorted By US Government !

Bob Chapman : what you have to look at here and it's not being much talked about it and that is the United States Government is using hedge funds to naked short all of the gold and silver stocks , that's part of what they are doing to gold and silver itself and that's why they haven't performed as well as they should , you see a very good company move up and then Bang it is back again and that's them doing that on behalf of the government and that's what's going on

Buy Gold and Silver and manage your own Money

Do not give your money to brokers financial expert money managers and those kind of charlatans who will use your money to gamble and they will still charge you fees whether you make money or you lose money .80% of money managers are charlatans and have no idea of what they are doing when they are investing other people's money and why would they they are guaranteed to be paid whether you make money or you lose money , there is no incentive for them to protect your asset from losing ...why not manage your money yourself by buying real hard assets like Gold and Silver : Silver in backwardation just broke the $43/oz barrier last Friday and expert expect silver to reach $50 by next month , Gold is slowly but certainly rising to $1,500/oz . U.S. dollar is doomed and going down the sewage Jump on the Gold and Silver bandwagon before it is late .

Silver in the hands of the people

Silver in the hands of the people Silver as Money : Summary of the lecture given by Hugo

Salinas-Price President of the Mexican Civic Association for Silver in January 2011," How to monetize silver so that it can circulate permanently in parallel with paper and digital money" the last bubble is world's currencies , all currencies in the world are fiat currencies and they are all derivatives of the dollar , which is itself nothing but a piece of paper ,The silver coins will outlast any central bank

The first conditions to menetize one ounce coin silver are :
The coin shall not bear an engraved monetary value.
The Treasury will attribute a quote, a monetary value in pounds to the ounce.
The quote will serve the same function as an engraved value.
when the coin has an engraved value it's condemned to go out of circulation
The last monetary quote given to the ounce by the issuer must not be reducible.
Just as is the condition of present British pound coins and bank notes.
If the quote is allowed to fluctuate in value downward, according to the price of silver, then the ounce will not be currency: it will continue existing as a commodity
Silver money will remain permanently in circulation and will never be at risk of disappearing due to a collapse of the banking system.

JP Morgan is an arm of the FED ?

JP Morgan is an arm of the FED says Daryl Bradford Smith of the French Connection : I guarantee by September of this year you won't recognize America or Europe things are going to get desperate because this financial nightmare is just exploding now , one of the things that's gong to happen and this is in the banking industry which is their crime wave , The price of Silver has reached over forty and I know when silver goes over fifty JP Morgan will owe over 600 billion in short position , but guess what they have been doing clandestinely and this is why I know that JP Morgan is an arm of the FED that they are the FED , everybody thinks that JP Morgan is a private consortium , it is as private as the FED is private they are all owned by criminals , these criminals work together and the simple fact is their short position trying to hold silver in check is going to explode on them and there is nothing they can do about that explosion , in the last 3 or 4 weeks they have been net buyers of silver , JP Morgan was trying to buy its way out of this rising silver prices , when it gets over 50 they'll walk away from these short positions ...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Silver more rare than Gold

Silver more rare than Gold , and one day will become more expenssive than Gold

Silver will continue to close the gap from the actual 38/1 to the gold which means it takes 38 ounces of silver to buy one ounce of gold , historically that was 10 , 12 to one ratio so there is more for silver to go to catch up with the historic ratio to gold , but one day just like palladium used to be more woth platinum , silver will be more worthj than gold simply it is more rare ...right now we have less silver above ground far less than gold , silver is being used up faster than it is being mined matter of fact every year since 1991 we have been using (burning up) more silver than we have been mining out of the earth , today we have 7 billion ounces of gold above ground and yet we have only around 1 billion oiunces of Silver above ground some estimates as low as 600 million ounces of silver above ground silver is more rare than gold and yet it takes 38 ounces of silver to buy 1 ounce of gold

Silver mine strike in Bolivia boosting silver spot prices

Bolivian miners have staged a major protest at the San Cristóbal mine, one of the world’s largest silver mines, San Cristobal Mine is the world’s third-largest producer of silver and the sixth-largest producer of zinc, it produced some 620,000 kilograms of fine silver in 2009, according to official data, and its output accounts for about half of the country's total mining exports.The Union decides to continue indefinite strike and they are blocking the entrance to the mine .There is neither production nor exports, because there's a blockade as part of the strike , this is all bullish for the silver price worldwide and it is probably what have caused the recent silver prices surge , experts are now expecting $50 an ounce for silver as early as next month . The price ratio gold / silver has moved in favor of silver in the last couple of months. A large number of investors have seen silver more affordable than gold. Because of this demand, dealers in precious metals in the United States and China have warned of a shortage of supply. Many investors are very worried about the continued devaluation of the currencies in the leading nations. The policies pursued by the U.S. central bank, the Federal Reserve (Fed) are eroding confidence in the dollar, leading many Americans to buy silver. Many Chinese are also buying silver as a hedge against rapidly rising inflation in China. The demand for silver in Traded Funds (ETFs) has increased dramatically in recent years

Gold and Silver prices literally on Fire

Silver Price Over $42, Debt Crisis Worsens, Bolivia miners on strike : experts already see a target of $1500 for gold in the medium term and $50 an ounce for silver , there are strikes going on for like 3 weeks in Bolivia silver mines one of the world's biggest producers , the government of Bolivia is possibly nationalizing those mines , this is all bullish news for the physical silver market and this is what possibly is propelling the price higher recently...

David Morgan : The Budget cuts are a farce

Silver guru David Morgan and Premium Exploration President Del Steiner setting with Al Korelin to discuss the budget cuts , the ongoing U.S. financial crisis and how these woes have created the perfect storm for Gold and silver which prices are expected to shoot to the moon .

David Morgan : ..."...we are having a budget deficit situation that unsustainable in fact at this point in time it is mathematically impossible to pay it off , and when you look at the budget cuts they're meaningless " " These budget cuts are absolutely a farce relative to the amount of deficit spending that's going on in this country for so long "

Robert Kiyosaki : Unfair Advantage The Power of Financial Education

Robert Kiyosaki : The Financial education is your biggest asset

Robert Kiyosaki : "Financial education is the answer to all 5 scenarios. Knowledge helps you over come everything, not just one thing." via his Twitter feed , "What the rich teach their kids about money that the poor and middle class do not,"

Robert Kiyosaki : you need to learn how to leverage , how to get greater income ...a house is not an asset , there will always be boom and busts , the rich will get richer simply because they can print money faster than a person working for it can earn it...The US uses 18 tons of ink everyday to print money they are printing money 24/7 , for every dollar we have in America 4 dollars are outside the country and we do not know what they are doing with it ...there is so much of the reporting that it is not accurate and that's why we need to be smarter today need to keep increasing your money because the government will print it faster than you earn it ....The biggest predatory animal out there is the government ....If China will say we are not going to lend you any more money they'll have to raise taxes ...savers are losers , when you put your money in the bank and you get 5% interest , while inflation is actually at 15% , your purchasing power will continue to decrease the fixed income the poor the retired they are in big trouble right now...the greatest asset is the financial is not money it is a currency after 1971 ...the 401K is the most highly taxed vehicle you could put your money into ...real estate is taxed zero , you can make millions of dollars taxed zero legally ...if you wanna lose weight you should not starve yourself it makes the problem worse , so I do not believe in living below my means ......

The Run Up in Gold continues

Alex Latzer, head of metals & mining research at Daiwa Securities, believes gold will peak sometime in the middle of 2011 as we normalize interest rates higher , the factors for the gold prices surge are the rising Inflation in the emerging markets ,the anxiety factor in the market , the large debt out there , In the last year spot gold was up 27.52% and spot silver was up 130.45%

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gold to Rise to $2,200 on Chinese Inflation

Rising China's Inflation is creating an unprecedented Gold Rush amongst the Chinese citizens , The investment demand in gold from China is literally exploding with China becoming the second largest inv. market for gold after India ,Commodities are entering a period where you have to distinguish between industrials and gold or silver. It's a different fundamental story with grains, however, says Brian Kelly, Kanundrum Capital who see $2,200 Gold on the horizon... Silver will certainly follow...

Gold at New Record High , Silver at 31 years Record High

Gold and Silver
New record for gold, which breaks through the ceiling of $ 1,478 an ounce. Concerns about the debt crisis, inflation and the fluctuation of the greenback are pushing the precious metals to new highs Gold touched 1.478.00 in New York. New rally for silver, which exceed forty two dollars per ounce, reaching its highest level since February 1980.the Silver market is literally on fire as it has gained almost $8 an ounce in less than a month !

Bob Chapman : Silver will Go to $100/oz

Bob Chapman : in the last few days we have seen the US government in the market and they have done everything possible to knock prices down which is not unusual within a corporate fascist governmental culture and that's what we have in America , says bob Chapman the International forecaster and people who do not believe that they are missing the whole point it won't last but for few days may be weeks and the next step it is going to go higher if for no other reason this giant naked short position being held by JP Morgan Chase and HSBC ....

Peter Schiff ultra Bullish on Silver

Peter Schiff : “Silver Will Rise On Rising Inflation” "Silver has the best of both Worlds" says Peter Schiff who has always been spot on. bye silver now!! its going to explode to at least 100. bye it don't wait for hyperinflation!! I think he's right about the use of credit cards. If this is correct, the next wave is coming quickly.

Peter Schiff : I have been riding this bull (Silver Bull) since 1999/2000 ...Silver is kind of the best of both Worlds because it is an industrial metal and also a precious metal , so if you think the economy is growing you can buy silver and if you are afraid of inflation you can buy silver , it kind of has that element going for it ....the silver price is rising for the same reason that oil price is rising or agricultural commodities are rising , paper money is losing value , it is losing value because central banks are printing too much of it , that's not going to stop , look at the news you got today , you got higher than expected inflation coming out of Europe , you got the CEO of Walmart basically warning Americans to brace themselves for serious inflation he is looking for cross the board broad based increases starting in June

Peter Schiff President & Chief Global StrategistPeter is one of the few investment advisors to have correctly called the current bear market before it began and to have positioned his clients accordingly. As a result of his accurate forecasts of the mortgage meltdown, credit crunch, and decoupling of commodities, precious metals, and foreign markets from the U.S. dollar, he has become a sought-after economic commentator on a range of investment topics. Peter delivers lectures at major economic and investment conferences, and is quoted often in the print media, including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, L.A. Times, Barron’s, BusinessWeek, Time and Fortune. His broadcast credits include regular guest appearances on CNBC, Fox Business, CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News Channel, as well as hosting a weekly radio show. As an author, he has written four bestselling books, including his latest: " Crash Proof 2.0: How to Profit from the Economic Collapse" and "How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes".

Robert Kiyosaki The 401k, is earned income

Robert Kiyosaki : “When you put your money in a 401k, it’s earned income when you pull it back out. It goes in as portfolio, but comes out as earned; so it’s the most highly taxed income there is. That’s why I don’t have a 401k, I want as little earned income as possible, but I want as much passive as possible because it pays less tax. I can pay zero tax on passive; fifteen percent on portfolio and earned income I would be in the fifty percent tax bracket. The harder you work for money, the more you are taxed, the harder your money works, the less it is taxed; which is why the 401k is so deceptive.”

Bill Murphy : Silver Shorts are in panic

Bill Murphy of GATA Goldseek radio interview 14 Apr 2011

Bill Murphy they (JP Morgan ) do not have the physical silver to deliver against their short positions they are trapped and they will likely have a panic ,....according to Bill Murphy the real spectacular demand for silver is going to come from investors rather than from the industrial demand because gold becoming mre and more expensive a lot of people can't afford it , so the poorman's gold becoming ever more important and people are starting to pour into silver because they cannot afford Gold the silver gold ratio could shoot to ten to one according to Eric Sprott , the shorts are trapped and JP Morgan they played this derivative game on the short side and what happened now is that they hit the wall , they do not have the physical silver to deliver and the longs know it and that's why these silver rallies are very brief and the market comes right back again "we have a panic coming and it could come at any time "

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Clients want Physical Gold says CEO of Swiss Precious Metals

Jean-Francois Pages, CEO of Swiss Precious Metals, says clients have become aware of insolvency risk after 2008, increasing demand for physical storage of gold .the difference is between holding tangible gold or paper asset where you have only a claim after 2008 crisis most of the clients are aware of the insolvency risks of the system and have developed a mistrust of paper currency and fiat money ...
he calls his kind of storage a very special segregated storage , where clients are sure to have their precious metals stored and with no double ownership and a guarantee they they can have their metals anytime they ask for them his price are 1 percent per anum of the market value of the gold that is deposited and these fees also include complete insurance coverage , Jean also says that he does not deal with silver as the value of silver makes it not interesting in terms of storage ...

Kiyosaki : investor mentality vs. working class mentality

Robert Kiyosaki : “Most people can’t because they have been trained to be workers. It’s called a working class mentality rather than an investor mentality. Lesson number one in Rich Dad Poor Dad is the rich don’t work for money; they learn how to make their money work hard for them. I've learned how to make money work hard for me, so I don’t have to work for money. It’s a completely different education process.”

Silver Market still on a Bull Trend

Anthony Neglia of Tower Trading says that he is still bullish on silver he will get it bearish though if the silver goes below the mark of $38 : I don't think it's necessarily overbought. We did have some short covering. Coupled with some new buying got us to that the short covering rally got is that overnight high on Sunday night. Of $ 4190. We have backed off considerably since then. But the market is still in a bull trend I get a little get a little bearish below 38 dollars if you remember thirty dollars was that point where it had a little difficulty getting through but once it got through. Made a very nice move well you know above forty dollars and beyond. That you saw that overnight high from Sunday night. ". "I would be backing off the longs I don't know if I would get necessarily short here I know a lot of people are a lot of people are betting on this thing 200 day moving average is about 25 dollars which is fifteen dollars away. But I don't necessarily see. But I can't see a change at 38 dollar level and then I would have to reassess. You know from that level. Below it I'd be a little bearish. and you know if it remains above 38 dollars you know I'd like to pick a spot there and buy it

Bob Chapman explains the Silver Short Squeeze

Bob Chapman the International forecaster explains how the gold and silver market is manipulated by the government and JP Morgan

Bob Chapman : ...your government the treasury department and the federal reserve under the executive order of august 1988 signed by Ronald Reagan the president working group and financial market in in there rigging the market you don't have a free market in America anymore you have a corporate fascist government and they do anything they feel like doing , and they are in here rigging that market , they have been rigging the gold and silver market or attempting to do so since 1988 , it will last 2 to 3 days and the market will go back up again cause it cost too much far beyond what they want to achieve says bob Chapman ....

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Silver price doubled in the last 12 months

Silver  prices at 31-year high , silver hit a new 31-year peak Tuesday as investors' desire for safe havens trumped news of a Chinese interest rate increase. the price of silver, which more than doubled in the last 12 months, climbing to its most expensive level versus gold since 1983.Owning both junk and bullion coins is a great idea. The junk is easily recognizable in a barter situation.. that will most likely be the money when the dollar collapses. If you are bartering small, a 100oz or 1000oz silver bar is not what you want. Smaller fractionals are essential.. dimes, quarters and halves.According to some experts like James Turk and Eric Sprott , the silver bull rally just started and we are going to see an explosion in the silver market in the coming months and years , this is the decade of the silver Eric Sprott calls it ,this is the biggest investment opportunity in human history says Mike Maloney

Mining Shares: SLW, SSRI, SVM, SA, GBG, PZG, These are best, recommended by porter stansberry, doug casey, & others

Gold Boom Dollar Doom

Gold Boom Dollar Doom

Gold is soaring Silver just flew past $40 oz, as the U.S. dollar weakens and breaks down. and Oil Prices skyrocket.All the dollars all over the planet are all coming home, that and the Fractional Reserve Banking multiplier, once the banks begin lending, is going to devalue the dollar at least 10 times.$4 a gallon Gas? Try $40 a gallon, because the Dollar doesn't buy a nickle anymore. Silver and Gold are being manipulated to the extreme now as the end of the currency cycle has arrived. The shift has begun, and it will come with some pain. 3 wars, open borders, rising oil, inflation and food costs.

Obama Birth Certificate ~ Donald Trump Not Backing Down!!!!!

Donald Trump : ..The fact is we have not seen his birth certificate he i assume e I hope has a birth certificate I am sure you do I know I do it has been a great controversy over this period of time ,....when somebody mentions that he does not have a birth certificate they label these people the worst way possible like they are not so smart just to be nice about it ...I am a really smart guy I want to see his birth certificate , nobody has been able to give me a birth certificate , members of his family are disputing which hospital he was born in ! it all important for one reason and you know what the reason is : if you are not born in this country you cannot be a president , Arnold Schwarzenneger wanted to run for president and he is a good guy he can't do it because he was not born in this country , so there is something very strange going on .....

Silver Wheaton CEO the Bull run in precious metals to continue because people have lost faith in paper currencies

Silver Wheaton 's CEO the Bull run in precious metals to continue because people have lost faith in paper currencies

Randy Smallwood, CEO of Silver Wheaton, the world's largest reseller of silver, : " whether we talk about the price of silver, a lot of people are talking about this as being a bull market in precious metals. i think it's a bear market in paper currencies. we all know about sovereign debt issues and such. i see continued strength in commodities and specifically precious metals as a store of value , I don't think that's changing I do not see any thing that has changed , you know we were talking about a bit of a set back in couple of days I haven't seen anything that is changing on the other side of the equation i.e. I wish we had more faith in paper currencies "

David Morgan : raw gold shortage in China

David Morgan on raw gold shortage in China interviewed by kitco news

David Morgan who has spend some time in China says that the Chinese people are mostly accumulating paper gold not physical this is quite surprising , China is now considered the world's largest producer of gold.But most of it stays in China, where people see gold as a safe, solid investment in uncertain economic times.CHINA GOLD IMPORTS JUMP! 500% China had plans to increase its gold holding in its foreign exchange reserves. China wants to get its 3,000 tons of gold off the market, so as to not drive the price sales in China is not slowing down. On the contrary, it is surging Gold products are usually purchased for special occasions, like weddings. But surging global gold prices are also driving Chinese investors to snap up what they can.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Gold and Silver Will Correct Further says Phil Streible

Phil Streible, senior market strategist at Lind-Waldock, says that $1,500 gold and $45 silver are still possibilities but that both metals will correct further
gold silver ratio start to rise again on that has been. Sorry about that severely bad it -- down you know that while the 34 range power -- culture that thirty day we should be dead. Debt spread chart and -- it yeah. On golden copper prices and very far away from both major moving averages and if it is moving average gold on -- in no way I would even worse that -- at 34 dollars so I think the default all quite quickly.

Silver Breaks the $40 Dollars Mark !

Economist Peter Schiff says that the government is taxing us through Inflation , , Inflation is the most sneaky way of taxation , your money is losing value by the minute while the FED keeps on printing more US dollars and expanding the monetary mass , silver and gold is really money it always keeps its value because the governments cannot print gold or silver out of thin air as they do with paper money , you should put all your savings in precious metals before you lose it all , and rop the dollar

Silver price doubled in the last 12 months

Silver prices at 31-year high , silver hit a new 31-year peak Tuesday as investors' desire for safe havens trumped news of a Chinese interest rate increase. the price of silver, which more than doubled in the last 12 months, climbing to its most expensive level versus gold since 1983.according to some experts like James Turk and Eric Sprott , the silver bull rally just started and we are going to see an explosion in the silver market in the coming months and years , this is the decade of the silver Eric Sprott calls it ,this is the biggest investment opportunity in human history says Mike Maloney

Silver and Gold Investment Outlook

Silver is the most historically volatile metal it has been benefiting from the surge in industrial demand due to the small recovery in the economy , but also as a precious metal it has been benefiting from the weakness of the dollar and the fear of inflation amongst investors and the lack of confidence in Fiat currencies , "The precious metals have been benefiting greatly from the weakness of the dollar and the whole diversification away from currencies," says Stewart Richardson, CIO at RMG Wealth Management However, he believes that silver is overvalued relative to gold.

Max Keiser : Silver Skyrocketing, JP Morgan Getting Crushed

Max Keiser : Silver Skyrocketing, JP Morgan Getting Crushed

Film-maker, broadcaster and former broker and options trader Max Keiser talks about the financial situation in the middle east and how it's all controlled by the Global Banking Cartel.Max Keiser is one of the best sources of information out there in the media telling people the truth about economic issues. & JP Morgan is a big manipulator of the precious metals market specifically silver.SLV is a manipulation mechanism: JPMorguan is "trustee" custodian. They say all the silver is really there in the vault, but trusting the notorious naked silver short banksters with all that silver is kind of like letting the fox guard the hen house. Fox says: "All the hens are good." (in his stomach). YT user: endless mountain made a video on March 1, 2011: Chart shows SLV consistently goes down during trading in the west, but smart Asians buy up REAL SILVER at night! Manipulation Exposed!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Donald Trump : I am only interested in Libya if we keep the oil

Donald Trump : I am only interested in Libya if we keep the oil

Donald Trump : well this is very serious I mean I always take things seriousely but I have never taken it seriousely like this , this is a very serious time in my life I hate what's happening to the country , I wish I didn't have to do it , I wish this country was running so great and I wish Obama was the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln and I wish this was the greatest place in the world , what we are doing is unbelievable if you look what's going on where our jobs are disappearing to foreign  countries where the oil , you going to be paying $7 or $8 dollars a gallon for your oil very soon " ..."it's been a terrible presidency look at Libya , we o in , we do not want to remove Gaddafi but we going to go fight and we gonna do this nobody knows what's happening , it looks like Gaddafi is going to beat the United States ?!?!  ..I am only interested in Libya if we keep the oil , if we do not keep the oil I am not interested ..., I do not know who the rebels are , you know they make the rebels look like some romantic beautiful novel , they're rebels , I hear the rebels are Al Qaeda , I hear they are Iran backed and Iran influenced , where they were getting those weapons before we came along ? from Iran , Gaddafi is going to go around saying he won the war against this country when you asked me what I would do : I am only interested in Libya if we get the Oil .."

I am not convinced that he has one , I have had very smart people telling me Donald stay in the China issue stay in the Saudi Arabia issue stay in the India taking our jobs and the Mexico which is NAFTA which is get off the birth certificate issue , three weeks ago when I started I thought that he was probably born in this country and now I really have a much bigger doubt than I did before , his grand mother in Kenya says he was born in Kenya and she was there and witnessed the birth , he does not have a birth certificate or he has not shown it he has what's called a certificate of life birth that is something that is easy to get , when you want a birth certificate very much harder to get is not equivalent , a birth certificate is not even close a certificate of life birth is not even signed by anybody , I saw his I read it very carefully it does not have a serial number it does not have a signature , I am starting to think that he was not born here .....he spent 2 million dollars trying to get away from this issue and if he wasn't lying why would not he just solve it and I wish he would , because if he does not it is one of the greatest scams in the history of politics and in History are not allowed to be president if you are not born in this country , he may not have been born in this country and I tell you what three weeks ago I thought he was born in this country right now I have some serious doubts , I have people that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they have been finding , I would like to have him show his birth certificate and can I be honest with you , I hope he can because if he can't and if he wasn't born in this country which is a real possibility I am not saying it happened I am saying it is a real possibility much greater than I thought two or three weeks ago then he has pulled one of the greatest cons in the history of Politics ..."

Donald Trump : I would be very happy if Obama produced a Birth Certificate

Donald Trump : Birthers Got Labeled Negatively ,  I would be very happy if Obama produced a Birth Certificate

Donald Trump : I am not convinced that he has one , I have had very smart people telling me Donald stay in the China issue stay in the Saudi Arabia issue stay in the India taking our jobs and the Mexico which is NAFTA which is get off the birth certificate issue , three weeks ago when I started I thought that he was probably born in this country and now I really have a much bigger doubt than I did before , his grand mother in Kenya says he was born in Kenya and she was there and witnessed the birth , he does not have a birth certificate or he has not shown it he has what's called a certificate of life birth that is something that is easy to get , when you want a birth certificate very much harder to get is not equivalent , a birth certificate is not even close a certificate of life birth is not even signed by anybody , I saw his I read it very carefully it does not have a serial number it does not have a signature , I am starting to think that he was not born here .....he spent 2 million dollars trying to get away from this issue and if he wasn't lying why would not he just solve it and I wish he would , because if he does not it is one of the greatest scams in the history of politics and in History are not allowed to be president if you are not born in this country , he may not have been born in this country and I tell you what three weeks ago I thought he was born in this country right now I have some serious doubts , I have people that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they have been finding , I would like to have him show his birth certificate and can I be honest with you , I hope he can because if he can't and if he wasn't born in this country which is a real possibility I am not saying it happened I am saying it is a real possibility much greater than I thought two or three weeks ago then he has pulled one of the greatest cons in the history of Politics ..."

Physical Silver getting harder to find delayed

Silver is more rare than Gold The Sprotts Expect Silver to Keep on Sizzlin ,its more rare we've used all that we have mined and we use more silver in everyday production, yet they try to say don't buy silver .Silver will become a "national security issue" (Planes,Helicopters,Tomahawk Missiles etc. all require a fair amount of silver). If you look at complete amount of silver and Gold including what's in the ground you have 14.5 billion ounces of silver and 8.6 billion ounces of Gold. Most of that silver is not mined but silver as we speak should be at least 600-800 and ounce. That's not even taking into consideration that in 10 years there will be less silver (In and above ground) than gold if you go by the National debt clock. If you go by the USGS Silver will be extinct .

Andy Gause on the Jeff Rense Show

Author and monetary ( Currency ) historian and nationally recognized expert on the U.S. Monetary System Andy ( Andrew ) Gause , author of the books The Secret World Of Money, and Uncle Sam Cooks The Books, What does Andrew foresee in 2011 for : prices of food, gasoline, natural gas, gold, silver , the bottom line is...
As long as we have a money supply that is permitted to be expanded by private banks and politicians at will, then the increase in the money supply guarantees its value will decline over time.As the value of the money we use declines, the price of physical commodities that the money can purchase will rise in price. In other words it will take more of the same paper in the future to purchase the same.

*European crisis manufactured to strengthen the dollar?
*When will U.S. produce needed jobs?
*What is the real story from Jackson Hole meeting?
*How to protect retirement accounts from USG takeover?
*Will gold and silver retreat before moving on?
*Why are Obama's bosses totally confused, or are they?

Robert Kiyosaki : why I dont have a 401k

Rich Dad Robert Kiyosaki explains the difference between an earned income and a passive income and why you should not own a 401K , Robert Kiyosaki : “When you put your money in a 401k, it’s earned income when you pull it back out. It goes in as portfolio, but comes out as earned; so it’s the most highly taxed income there is. That’s why I don’t have a 401k, I want as little earned income as possible, but I want as much passive as possible because it pays less tax. I can pay zero tax on passive; fifteen percent on portfolio and earned income I would be in the fifty percent tax bracket. The harder you work for money, the more you are taxed, the harder your money works, the less it is taxed; which is why the 401k is so deceptive.” in a recent interview with the Philippe Matthews Show

James Turk : Why gold is money

James Turk opines on the current gold and silver is super undervalued. We went off the gold standard in 1971 to go to the oil standard.Kissinger made a deal with the Middle East, we would buy their oil if they would buy our treasuries. There was one main oil must be purchased in DOLLARS only. That's why America did save the DOLLAR by attaching it to OIL.Go on Ben Bernanke .print, print, print! There is NO WAY mathematically the US can repay its debt. The hard maths dictate that aside from outright default, the US has no alternative but to continue the Ponzi scheme. 'Crouch and cover'. we are being taxed up to our eyeballs:Accounts Receivable Tax Building Permit Tax Capital Gains Tax CDL License Tax Cigarette Tax Corporate Income Tax Court Fines (indirect taxes) Dog License Tax Federal Income Tax Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA) Fishing License Tax Food License Tax Fuel Permit Tax Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon) Hunting License Tax Inheritance Tax Interest Expense (tax on the money) Inventory Tax I School Tax Septic Permit Tax Service Charge Taxes Social Security Tax

Gold is The only Money says Michael Ruppert

Gold is The only Money says Michael Ruppert , it has alays been since 6000 years ago and people will always turn to gold when the SHTF

gold is money based on the price of crude oil from 1950 to 2010.Money retains is value. Dollars, on the other hand, don't retain their value because Ben Bernanke is printing them like crazy.The US only has about 260 million ounces of gold.

At today's price, that only covers about $260B of debt.

The US national debt is more than $5T foreign debt, $5T domestic debt.

Thus the 260M oz of gold has to be spread over 5T or 10T not 260B.

Thus gold is worth much more than a few thousand dollars.

Going to the gold standard would be a massive transfer of wealth to gold holders and impoverish dollar holders.Nixon took the US off of Bretton Woods to save the last third, which is easy to see would be in the range of 250 million ounces.

Greenspan testified to Congress that the US does not trade in gold's time for people to consider who they are as people and what they value as Americans.

It's time for people to stop identifying themselves by a political party.

it's time for people to prioritize and decide what is most important in their lives

the time to support Ron Pall has passed, and protecting Schiff would be like trolling the internet.

economically, farmers and those who know how to farm will be better off than everyone else.

The USD will soon be the new peso! OLÉ!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Marc Faber : Gold is not in a bubble

Marc Faber : " ...In Gold and Silver Terms   the dow jones over the last ten years has already lost over more than 80% of its value. and yesterday, my friend frank holmes was on cnbc, and i don't know remember if it was you or somebody else, but the two interviews were kind of ridiculing him, telling him that gold was a bubble and so forth. i just came now from a conference. there were over 200 people here in Singapore. i asked the audiences, fund managers, you would imagine that they are intelligent. i asked them who of you has personally more than 5% of their assets in gold. not one person lifted their hand. not one. if it were a bubble, a lot of people would have gold. the whole world would be trading gold 24 hours a day. but i don't think it's really a bubble. i think maybe gold is cheaper today than it was in 1999 when it was at $252. "

Lindsey Williams The Gold and Silver Bull Run just started

Lindsey Williams The Silver Bull Run just started

Lindsey Williams who has been an ordained Baptist minister for nearly 30 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary and because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to the information that is documented in his book, The Energy Non-Crisis reveals new bombshell information . In 2009, Williams talked about the plan by the global elite to sabotage the dollar, destroy the economy and America by 2012. If you think that Gold and silver are expensive now , you have not seen anything yet says Lindsey Williams , gold and silver are the currency of the elite and anything on a paper (fiat money bonds stocks ) is worth the paper it is written on . Gold production is decreasing due to few great Gold mine discoveries. Witwatersrand played a big rule in gold offer since 1970 and people investing in Gold should observe the whole around this metal. I have seen predictions of Gold falling back to USD 300/oz (speculation) and I have also seen predictions for Gold reaching USD 9000/oz considering industrial consumption and mining supply. Gold Mining production is around 2500 ton/year and demand around 3800 ton/ year. Take your own conclusions.
The US might want to push the price of gold up in order to cover there dept which is at around 14 trillion !
The United States holds the largest gold reserve in the world. With 8,133.5 tonnes, (241, 207, 076 oz) the US gold holdings are worth approximately $337.67 billion. This massive gold reserve would have to increase 40 times just to cover the dept !! That’s $56,000 a once.

Donald Trump 2012 White House Race Underway

Donal Trump Trump corporation chairman and ceo, .:"... we're not respected by any stretch of the imagination. you just look. i was watching your show and i see oil prices where they're predicting $175 a barrel. if that happens , and by the way, it's happening because of OPEC. the only problem, i don't hear your guests talking about OPEC. they talk about all sorts of reasons for the oil going up. And I watched somebody yesterday who was saying there's so much oil we don't know what to do with it but it keeps going up despite tremendous supply. and there's only one reason. it's called OPEC. and nobody ever mentioned OPEC, " "... Well they're flirting with anybody that they'll flirt with. we have tremendous power over these people. we've protected them. they wouldn't be there if it wasn't for us. you look at what happened with Iraq where Iran is already making moves to take over Iraq as soon as we leave and take over those oil fields. you look at the way this country is run. we're a laughingstock throughout the world. i see that and i say it and i do the today show and i say it. and all of a sudden polls come out and it has me doing very well and I'm not that surprised because people in this country are smart and they don't want to be ripped off. you look at OPEC, you look at china. and you talk about this all the time, Larry. they manipulate their currencies. it's very, very hard for our companies to compete because of the manipulation of their currency. but beyond that, they take our jobs, they take our money and then they loan it back to us and we pay them interest. it's unbelievable."

Friday, April 8, 2011

David Morgan On The Gold and Silver Rally

David Morgan : ..."I think that we've got more upside for a few more weeks. I think the sooner or later we gonna need a breather a back in and filling as we say in the trade. Nothing goes to the moon straight up forever. I do believe that I am right when I wrote several years ago that silver when it was under 5 will go to a 100 dollars an ounce I am still looking for triple digits not in 2011 . I said we'll 40 in 2011 we are there today , are we going higher this year ? probably will , are we gonna see 50 this year I am not sure "

Eric Sprott : Silver is The Investment of this decade

Silver is very difficult sourcing says Eric Sprott while explaining why backwardation is Bullish , the Chinese have become net importer of silver US Mint sells more silver bullion than it sells in gold bullion Eric Sprott believes that it is the man in the street who is driving the demand for silver for example the US mint this year has sold as many dollars in silver coins as it has sold in silver coins but the prices are different by 38 to 1 which really means that the common guy is buying Silver the reason silver going up is because of savers Eric says people want to rather own a hard asset than a paper asset there is also the industrial demand and the fear factor related to QE1 , QE2 and a possible QE3 it is not just about the weakness of the dollar , a lot of people are losing confidence in the Euro the Yen and of course the dollar We are still far away from a bubble Eric explains the precious metal ownership is still less than 1 percent so there is no mania going on as of yet , Eric dos not believe that interest rates have anything to do with the silver rally so even if the FED raises its rates it won't affect the rally what's driving it is the lack of faith in the currency , Sprott believes that Silver will dramatically outperform Gold over the next 5 years he calls the next decade the Silver's decade while the last decade was Gold's decade